Many planned films and TV series never saw the light of day, forever stuck in so-called "development hell". Among them were projects set in the Star Wars universe, and not just those developed under Disney. One such unrealized project was the series Star Wars: Underworld, conceived by George Lucas himself. Recently, new details about this ambitious but never-realized vision have come to light.

Rick McCallum, former producer of the Star Wars franchise, shared new information about the concept Lucas had developed for the first live-action series in this universe. It turns out the project had progressed quite far: over 60 scripts had been written, and these were already third drafts.

Concept art of the underground CoruscantImage:

Rick also revealed details about the plot and atmosphere of the series. Star Wars: Underworld was set to take place on Coruscant, at the heart of the galaxy's criminal underworld. The show was aimed at an adult audience, filled with a dark atmosphere, plenty of violence, and even elements of erotica. The music for the project was to be composed by John Williams himself—the legendary composer of the original films.

The scripts were dark, brutal, complex, provocative, and simply stunning. Had the series been realized, it would have completely shaken up the Star Wars universe, and Disney likely would never have offered to buy it from Lucas.

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So why was Star Wars: Underworld never made? The main reason was finances. Given the level of technology available at the time and the high standards George Lucas wanted to maintain, the cost of one episode was estimated at $40 million. With 60 episodes planned, the total budget would have reached $2.4 billion. This amount proved too much for the studio, and the project was shelved indefinitely. In the end, it became one of the greatest disappointments for its creators.

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