The Sims 4 is an endless giant game. This great life simulation series boasts the ability to be played for years and decades, a feat most single-player projects cannot claim. In this game, anything is possible, yet some players still find themselves at a dead end.
There you've created your Sim, raised several generations, and advanced your favorites up the career ladder. With pride, you watch as your charge becomes a famous artist, with crowds of fans chasing after them for an autograph. Then they become a movie star, and as they age, they conquer space and discover the secret of eternal youth. Cool! But... what comes next?
Image: Epic Games
Some recreate themselves in The Sims 4, living out their secret desires and ambitions. Others prefer to recreate their favorite movie heroes or stars. All this is fascinating, but mostly follows a single scenario. Eventually, you'll want to click on your favorite Sims 4 icon and escape from real-life problems, but then what?
This is where challenges come in — scenarios that make you see your favorite game from a different angle. These challenges are not created by the developers but by the players themselves, and for the most part, they don't even require mods. Trust us, if you decide to take on a challenge, you'll discover a whole new Sims 4.
Now, let's talk about the best challenges in The Sims 4, where you'll fight for survival, become a parent of many children, or even a serial killer.
Rags to Riches
Image: Reddit
This is the most popular challenge in The Sims 4, which will make you see the game differently. It may seem that many Sims start their journey from poverty, but this will be a real struggle for survival. You will have nothing, not even a single cent for the stalest, coldest hot dog.
To start the challenge, create a new Sim and place them on a vacant lot. Then, it's important to strip them of all money through a console command. For this, press Ctrl + Shift + C to bring up the console panel and enter the code Money 0. Done! Now, your goal is to get rich. But how to survive under such hellish conditions?!
You'll need to use all the imagination you have. Live in parks, as you can cook food on the grills there. Fish and look for food in trash cans to avoid dying of hunger. Bathe in public places and form connections with other Sims. Paint pictures, grow vegetables, or steal to earn money. This journey from a homeless vagrant to a penthouse owner will captivate you for many weeks and months!
Runaway Teen
This challenge is even more difficult than the previous one. In our teenage years, many of us have thought about running away from adults. Runaway Teen demonstrates that this is an utterly foolish idea. This time, you must create a family with adults and a teenager, then select the teenager and run away from the family.
The conditions will be hellish. Your parents will declare you missing, no one will hire you, and you'll have to move around the city very cautiously. It won't be possible to charm some wealthy Sim and live off them because you're a teenager! Once the character ages, the essence of the challenge becomes similar to Rags to Riches.
100 Babies
Image: Reddit
Looking for a hardcore challenge? Want the game to bring you to tears, making cozy Sims 4 harder than souls-like games? Then try the «100 Babies» challenge. It originated back in the Sims 2 era and has undergone many changes. In The Sims 4, the challenge can be honestly implemented, as the lifespan of Sims can be significantly extended.
So, the challenge conditions may shock you. A single Sim must give birth to 100 children in their lifetime, and you cannot get rid of any babies. That's not all, as each child must have different partners! For an added challenge, you can make some of the children occultists and hide their existence from others.
You will face poverty, stress, hunger, and total housing problems. The Sims 4 has never been so cruel!
Black Widow
This challenge is even more brutal but less difficult than the previous one. It's perfect for those who want to vent and turn the sweet game into a bloody thriller. The cozy town lives its life, neighbors visit each other, walk their pets, hold parties, but then you appear. Men die under strange circumstances, and at the center of this cycle of death is the unfortunate widow. Or... the fortunate one?
As you may have guessed, you will be the black widow. Create a Sim, find the man of your dreams, and have a grand wedding. One lover is not enough, so you take a lover and ensure you get caught cheating. After such an event, you must get rid of your husband, literally. And then, the widow marries her lover, and the story repeats over and over.
The goal is to collect as many husband's tombstones as possible. Fun, isn't it? Just make sure to strictly follow the rules:
- You cannot get a job;
- The Sim must have the traits "Materialistic", "Snob", and "Romantic";
- The only allowed life goal is "Serial Romantic".
Legacy Challenge
Image: Reddit
In this challenge, you need to not only progress from homelessness to wealth but also extend your dynasty across several generations. You will create just one Sim, and then over many in-game decades (or centuries), develop your dynasty.
As this challenge is not particularly difficult, fans have invented various rules. For example, developing the dynasty for a whole 26 generations! Or expanding a family business over several generations. For instance, all your Sims could be hereditary professional farmers, musicians, and so on.
Image: Reddit
This is a very tough challenge with detailed rules that must be strictly followed. It requires you to use all your imagination to turn The Sims 4 into a post-apocalyptic world, or to use some mods.
The essence is that an apocalypse has occurred in the game world, and you need to help rebuild humanity. The development of your character will be based on the level of a certain career. The challenge is that ideally, you need to develop every skill to its maximum.
Without certain achievements, some restrictions apply to you. For example, until you become a top-class reporter, you will be forced to have children and won’t be able to take a shower! Also, you can't sell items unless you become a top-class investor.
Reality Show «Behind the Glass»
Image: Reddit
An extremely interesting challenge that every Sims 4 fan should try. In it, you literally create a reality show, where you are both the viewer and the host. Start by building a large and fancy mansion, then move in 7 young characters. Their personalities should not repeat.
You also need to disable aging for the characters. Now add a host — that's you. You can only play as the host, and you're only allowed to observe the others.
The reality show begins! Watch their lives and relationships, and after a few weeks, choose the character who has become tiresome and must leave the project. Importantly, all participants, except the host, cannot leave the mansion's premises.
Another popular challenge within the community. Your character must be a male with the "Love — Hopeless Romantic" trait. He must be immensely wealthy — this can be achieved using a cheat code. Build the most expensive mansion you can, and then create 6 beautiful wives for your sultan, who will also live with him. Sounds like a fairy tale, right? Don't rush to think the challenge is too easy — this fairy tale is not for the faint-hearted.
The challenge's goal is only achieved when you have perfect relationships with all 6 wives. At the same time, you must satisfy all their needs and prevent conflicts between them. Believe us, this will be very challenging, but such an experience you will surely not forget.
«Weight Loss» Reality Show
Another reality show that will challenge even the most avid Sims 4 fans. Build any house for 8 people with all the amenities. It's important that the house has a kitchen, gym, and pool. Excellent! Now create a professional dietician and their assistant. The gender of the characters is not important. The dietician's skills can be developed through the console or any other means — we need a professional. In turn, the assistant will just take care of the household.
You can play as the dietician and assistant, and it's time to create the participants of our show, who you cannot control. Create three men and three women with a maximum propensity for obesity. Your goal will be to motivate them to lose weight within a certain timeframe (which you set yourself). Remember, you cannot play as them, so you will need to employ all the dietician's skills.
As this is a reality show, the challenge will be divided into periods. The weakest participants will be eliminated until only one remains. Note that if no one loses weight at all, the challenge is considered failed.
An interesting and very challenging task for game veterans. Your characters, or only one Sim, will not be able to use the conveniences of civilization. No electrical appliances, even plumbing is not allowed. Moreover, leaving the lot is also prohibited.
As a result, you will have to survive in extremely harsh conditions. Food can only be obtained through farming and fishing if there is access to water on the lot. Create a hermit or an entire community of recluses, and see how long you can survive.
We have listed 10 challenges for The Sims 4 that will refresh your gaming experience. Which challenges do you like? Share your impressions in the comments!
Main image: Electronic Arts