Palworld — a new sensation that has already captivated millions of hearts. This cooperative survival game set in an open world with adorable Pals is actively selling (over 8 million copies have been sold since its release) and evolving. Modders haven't stayed on the sidelines and have already managed to create several mods to enhance the gameplay. We'll take a look at them in our article.

Fully Unlocked Map

Fully Unlocked Map palworldImage:

MapUnlocker allows players to fully unlock the entire map. One of its advantages is that the mod also works in multiplayer. However, it does not activate travel points, and players will have to explore them on their own. Nonetheless, MapUnlocker will ease the gameplay and prevent players from getting lost or confused in this vast world.

Gameplay Tweaking

Gameplay Tweaking palworldImage:

This is something akin to cheating, only legal, because the Gameplay tweaks modification allows you to customize the gameplay as you wish. What this mod offers:

  • altering the frequency of rare Pals' appearances;
  • stamina consumption control;
  • HP regeneration;
  • hunger;
  • adjustable weight limit;
  • respawn time and much more.

If you are tired of constantly monitoring your overloaded inventory or searching for rare Pals, then Gameplay tweaks is simply essential for simplifying your gameplay.

Nude Mod 18+ 

Nude Mod 18+ palworldImage:

Few games have escaped the creation of nude mods, and Palworld is no exception. If you prefer a spicier gameplay, then you can undress your character. However, this mod is intended for female characters only. You will appreciate the full beauty of the Nude mod when you completely undress the heroine. In the original version, underwear is present, but after installing the mod, it won't be. Players will have access to all the delights of the game body.

Enhanced Graphics

palworld Enhanced GraphicsImage:

Palworld looks stunning even without any mods, but the game can be further enhanced with Enhanced Palworld Visuals. The author has tweaked post-processing parameters to make the visuals sharper. By reducing motion blur and fog, and improving draw distance, the image becomes more detailed and pleasant.

Increased Carry Weight

Increased Carry Weight palworldImage:

The carry weight is a common issue in all survival games. It's a justified mechanic: it stretches the gameplay, making the player move more around the world and manage their inventory. Developers force gamers to make tough choices whenever they come across valuable loot, but this can quickly become frustrating. The Carry Weight Increase mod is an essential addition to this game. It increases the carry weight from 300 to 1000 and adds an extra 250 units when talents are leveled up. This is an indispensable tool for those who love going on long expeditions for Pals. 

More Stamina for Flying Pals

flying stamna palworldImage:

Palworld gives players the fantastic ability to fly. This isn't just a feature for the sake of it, as the territories here are vast. Even on a mount, the journey is not short. There are also separate islands that can only be reached by water or air. And this is just early access!

However, there's a catch that can spoil the experience — the pet's stamina in the air runs out quickly, especially if the Pal is of a low level. In such cases, the Remove Flying Stamina Cost mod, which increases stamina, becomes a necessity.

Increased Durability for Weapons and Tools

Increased durability for weapons and tools in palworldImage:

Another mod from Vucksacha that increases something, this time the durability of weapons and tools. At the beginning of the game, this is not a problem, as you can craft a new pickaxe or spear at any moment. However, your journeys will become longer over time, and the weapons — more complex and powerful. It would be a shame to lose your favorite rifle during a raid. The Durability Increase mod addresses this issue and endows items with greater durability. A small detail, but a pleasant one.

Lucky Pals

Lucky Pals palworldImage:

Are you in active search for Pals? This mod makes the search more interesting, as LuckyPals turns all found creatures into lucky and shiny ones, except for bosses, as that would be real cheating. 

Food No Longer Spoils

Food No Longer Spoils palworldImage:

In Palworld, not only weapons and tools but also food has an expiration date. Remember that not only you but also your Pals need to eat, and they can be quite voracious. During raids, you'll have to cook constantly because food spoils over time, and some of your pets eat so much that no amount of stock is sufficient.

The No Food Decay modification eliminates food spoilage. Now, you can stock up on food properly and not be distracted by cooking during a raid.

More Stat and Technology Points

More Stat and Technology Points palworldImage:

Grinding plays an important role in such projects. With fast leveling, gamers can quickly traverse the world, obtain everything possible, and then forget about it. On the other hand, excessive prolonging of the leveling process can discourage the desire to play.

In Palworld, the speed of leveling can be adjusted, but only in single-player mode. But what about playing on a server with friends? For that, there's the More Stat and Technology Points modification. Depending on the mode, the mod will multiply the received stat and technology points by 4 or 8. There's also an option for hardcore fans, where all points are halved.

Maximum Bases for Guilds

Maximum Bases for Guilds palworldImage:

  • Author: Andy A aka BaronKiko
  • Download: Nexusmods

Palworld has a cool guild system that allows players on the server to unite and build their own Pal-empire. You'll have common resources, common bases, and you can see each other on the map, which is very convenient. There are many advantages, but there's a significant downside — the base limit.

The game sets a limit on base points, so growing into an entire empire is not possible. Just three bases for a guild in such a huge world is too few. The All the Bases mod removes this limitation, allowing each guild to build up to 128 bases.

More Friends and Workers at the Base

More Friends and Workers at the palworld Base Image:

Another interesting mod related to bases. Even if you play alone on a server, you may encounter game limitations. For instance, there comes a time when the number of Pal-workers reaches its maximum. The same limitation applies to friend-players. This is disappointing, given the scale of the world and the variety of creatures you can tame.

The Increased Base Amount and Worker Pals modification expands the base's boundaries. For example, your base can now accommodate 100 players and 100 Pal-workers. There are also other modes for finer adjustments.

Pal Resurrection Without Timer


Let's move on to a couple of useful mods directly related to Pals. Without them, the game loses all its charm, as these adorable creatures have captured the minds of millions of gamers.

Your Pals are not entirely immortal. A pet can fall in battle, become sick, or starve. It's extremely frustrating to lose a strong fighter during a battle. Reviving it immediately is not possible. Moreover, after placing an injured Pal in a palbox, you have to wait a whole 10 minutes for its recovery.

The Remove Pal Revive Timer mod eliminates this waiting time. Now, after placing the creature in a palbox, it will instantly return to action.

Saving Breeded Pals Traits

Saving Breeded Pals Traits palworldImage:

A handy mod to edit and create Pals' traits in your save file. Here you can edit traits to suit your needs. This will save time for other things to do, instead of waiting for the result of crossbreeding Pals. With the mod, you can customize a Pal with perfect skills.
PalEdit is a simple user interface used to edit and create Pals in a save file. Edit traits so you don't have to do selection work trying to get perfect skills.

Play as Zoe

Play as Zoe palworldImage:

Zoe has become the most vivid and memorable character for fans. She acts as a boss, and after the introductory video with this cutie, you won't want to look at your own character anymore. Fortunately, with the Play as Zoe mod, you can create a character in her image.

The only downside is that you have to create a new character. But if you haven't yet had the chance to play Palworld and have seen Zoe in the game's videos, this is an opportunity to start your journey in her guise.

Basic Mini-Map

Basic Mini MapImage:

A basic customizable mini-map, perfectly suited for both local and online play in Palworld, has now been improved with performance optimization.

The mod allows you to easily track your surroundings and coordinates, making gameplay more convenient and informative. The update also includes enhanced stability and support for various screen resolutions, ensuring every player can enjoy smooth and comfortable use of the mini-map.

Pal Box Anywhere

Pal Box AnywhereImage:

This is a special inventory that stores all your found and captured pets. Normally, you can only open and view the storage in specific locations. This mod removes that restriction, allowing you to use the box anywhere.


25 best mods for PalworldImage:

As in the original game, you will have the opportunity to change your character: hairstyle, skin color, size, and so on. This is a good mod that allows players to fix what they don't like about the hero.

Pal Info

Pal InfoImage:

With this mod, you can see hidden information about wild creatures you encounter during your adventures. The panel will display: species name, gender, level, health amount, and core stats. You can disable this feature by pressing Shift+O if desired.

Nude Female Body 18+

25 best mods for PalworldImage:

This 18+ mod completely replaces all armor in the game with a nude female body, while maintaining full compatibility with the color system, physics, and character slider settings.

It allows players to personalize the appearance of their characters, adding more detail and realism to the game.

Lyleen Nude Skins Variants 18+

Lyleen Nude Skins VariantsImage:

A unique 18+ skin replacement. If you're lucky, you might encounter this rare variant in the wild, making the exploration process even more exciting.

Genshin Impact's Raiden Shogun Female Player Replacer

Genshin Impact's Raiden Shogun Female Player ReplacerImage:

A great modification for Genshin Impact fans. It replaces the female player model with Raiden's model. The heroine gains her own hair, breast, and sleeve physics. All armor will also be changed. A fantastic mod to diversify gameplay.

Reset Stats

Reset StatsImage:

Spent attribute points at the start of the game and later realized you made the wrong choices? The Reset Stats mod allows you to reset all attributes and redistribute them, creating a character with new skills and abilities.

Better Durability

Better DurabilityImage:

This mod significantly simplifies the player's life by automatically repairing all repairable items in your inventory as soon as you enter your base area (that blue circle around your Pal). No more wasting time and resources searching for repair materials—everything happens instantly and effortlessly.

New Skill Fruits

New Skill FruitsImage:

Breeding pets with specific skills can be very tedious, and parting with a pet to breed a new one is heart-wrenching. It feels like a vicious cycle. But all of this can be fixed with this mod, which allows you to teach Pals skills using fruits.

We showed you 25 interesting and useful mods for Palworld. Considering how the game is evolving and how quickly new modifications are being released, we can expect a lot more exciting content to come.

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