Previously, we have written an article about the mystical, enigmatic Mewtwo and the super cute Eevee. Today, we'll discuss legendary Pokémon, specifically three: Galarian Zapdos, Galarian Articuno, Galarian Moltres.

Galarian MoltresImage:

This pocket trio is capable of bringing victory to any trainer who can secure these priceless avian treasures in Pokémon GO

What are their unique features? 

Let’s discuss these legendary creatures that nearly every player dreams of collecting. Where do these monsters reside? Generally, there isn’t a specific location as one might encounter them during a raid or in the wild.

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However, considering the birds mentioned earlier, they are an exception as they belong to a regional version. There's another distinct nuance. Typically, such species are found as egg hatches. But this rule does not apply to Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres.

How to catch these legendary birds?

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The game features a significant number of interesting items and options that help increase the appearance rate of Pokémon. These give a trainer an advantage, as they more frequently spawn certain creatures, sometimes aligning with special events.

Daily Adventure Incense is precisely one such powerful thing. It works like the regular incense variant, but there is an exception, which we just mentioned: it serves as a means to spawn new unique creatures.

Daily Adventure IncenseImage:

The good news is that all users can obtain this special incense for free, once a day. The item's activity lasts for fifteen minutes. If a gamer needs the bird trio, they can use Daily Adventure Incense to attract them. 

However, there's a caveat. Since these are legendary Pokémon, their appearance rate will be significantly lower than others. But even if you encounter them, be prepared for their high escape rate.

Daily Adventure IncenseImage:

It's no secret that rare monsters are not so easy to find and catch.

How to increase the chance of Pokémon spawning?

Yes, there are several ways that can help you in frequently spawning creatures. For example, the weather condition improvement effect called Weather Boost. You need to wait for certain weather conditions to get your future pet. For this, the user will have to not just stand still but embark on a journey, as each territory has its own weather conditions.

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Since we are talking about the Galarian trio, they are more accustomed to the wind. The gamer needs to place a lure at a PokeStop or gym, activate the Daily Adventure Incense. Then, it's just a matter of roaming around the gym or PokeStop waiting for a miracle.

When the coveted birds appear on the horizon, be ready to hunt them. After catching them, the user should think about how to keep these winged creatures in a Pokeball, as rare animals really dislike being there.

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Let's increase the chances that they won't escape:

  • use an Ultra ball;
  • make a perfect curveball throw.

What else a gamer needs to remember: it's best to choose Golden Razz Berry to increase the likelihood of a successful hunt for the bird trio.

We have considered the Galarian Zapdos, Galarian Articuno, Galarian Moltres, the ways they appear, are caught, and retained. The rarer a Pokémon, the harder it’s for the player to deal with the animal, which applies to these birds as well.

Main image by Ensigame