Everyone loves bonuses, but gamers who spend a lot of time playing GRPGs, such as Honkai: Star Rail, love them the most. Let’s take a look at what users can get by entering those coveted digits and codes.

Active Promo Codes for March 2025

HSR Promo Codes Image: ixbt.com

Let’s get straight to the point without keeping you in suspense. As soon as you enter these combinations, you’ll immediately receive nice rewards.

  • 2A3LF64ANXSX
  • 4TKSX77Y58QK

In our world, everything is subject to change, so you can’t afford to delay. The same goes for these codes because they have an expiration date. You wouldn’t drink spoiled milk, would you? It’s useless and might even be harmful. The same applies to expired promo codes—they’re completely useless!

How to Properly Activate a Code on the Website?

HSR Promo Codes Image: steamcommunity.com

Here’s a brief guide to help players do everything correctly. You wouldn’t want to miss out on your bonuses just because you entered the letters and numbers in the wrong place, right?

First, open the website using this link. A field for input will immediately appear in front of you.

HSR Promo CodesImage: hsr.hoyoverse.com

It’s best to log into your profile. The icon is located at the top right.

HSR Promo Codes Image: hsr.hoyoverse.com

Next, enter the server name and your character’s nickname. Make sure there are no mistakes, or it won’t work!

All that’s left is to copy the promo code and paste it. The reward will be waiting for you in your in-game mailbox.

How to Properly Activate a Code in the Game?

HSR Promo Codes Image: 100megapixels.com

There’s another method that might be much more convenient for many players. You can enter the letters and numbers directly in the game. Here’s how:

  • Press Esc;
  • Find the three dots on the panel inside a white oval and click on them;
  • A special field will appear—enter the code there.

That’s it! With such a simple method, you’ll get yourself some nice bonuses that will definitely enhance your gameplay!

Main image: 4kwallpapers.com