Searching for various items is an important part of Infinity Nikki. The player searches not only for plants, bugs, or fish to, for example, complete a quest or simply sew something. Sometimes, you need to search for wardrobe items.
In this article, we will explore where to find the Specific Top. To be honest, I got a bit stuck on this mission while playing the game, but in the end, I managed to figure it out, and now I want to share my knowledge with the readers.
Where to find the specific top?
To be honest, I was worried about when I would find this wardrobe item because I couldn't figure it out for a long time. But in the end, this top became one of my favorites. But let's go step by step. During the "Kindled Inspiration Animal Traces" quest, you will need to talk to a boy who really wants to see you wearing a top called Mark of Life.
This clothing cannot be bought anywhere, so you will have to wander the world a bit to find what's required. Below in the image is indicated the place where the player should go.
When you arrive at that location using the teleport, look around. There should be a chest that you need to open. That's where the blueprint is located. However, before that, Nikki will have to kill many monsters.
Be careful with the mob that holds a button. Consider that it has an aggressive creature's shield that cannot be pierced. Try to hit this mob from behind. This way, you will kill the creature and obtain the button for future crafting.
After defeating all the monsters, approach the chest and open it. The blueprint for the top will be in front of you.
Of course, you will need to sew the clothing before completing the quest. You will need Bitey Fabric and Tricky Patch. If you have sewn the top, wear it and follow back to the boy while wearing the top.
Talk to Auri (remember that the boy can only be found during the daytime) and receive your reward for completing the mission!
We have figured out how to obtain the Specific Top. The mission is not considered difficult, but you need to be prepared to fight monsters to acquire the blueprint.
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