The support role remains one of the most underrated. However, experienced players know that it is the support who controls the map, sacrifices themselves to save allies, and turns fragile chances into undeniable victories.
A support is not just a guardian angel for the carry, but a multifaceted role requiring strategic thinking, precision, and the ability to predict the enemy’s actions. From aggressive initiators to masters of shields and healing, each champion here contributes to the overall tactics.
We’ve compiled a League of Legends Support Tier List, showcasing the champions who dominate patch 15.5. These champions can not only strengthen your team but also turn the tide of the game with a single well-executed ability.
Braum, Heart of the Freljord
Braum is often associated solely with protecting his allies using "Unbreakable", and for good reason! This big guy can shield the carry not only from dangerous abilities like those of Nami or Brand, but also intercept ultimate abilities from Draven, Ezreal… the list goes on. Despite all this, Braum is also a great initiator, quickly jumping to a minion and slowing down enemies. Once he hits level 6 and gains access to his ultimate, he starts to literally turn the tide of fights!
Soraka, the Star Child
Soraka is essentially a mobile "fountain", healing her carry as much as needed. Yes, her health pool is low, but with good positioning and hitting "Starcall", Soraka can make life unbearable for opponents in lane. Though she sacrifices her own health to heal, she quickly replenishes it if she hits at least one enemy with this powerful ability. Additionally, she has area-wide silence and the ability to heal all allies on the map! Yes, playing Soraka can sometimes be boring, but this doesn’t make her any less effective.
Poppy, the Keeper of the Hammer
Poppy wasn’t originally designed as a support, but in patch 15.5, she thrives in this role. Of course, the element of surprise plays a significant part, as not every player knows what to expect from her. Poppy deals a lot of damage, especially early in the game. She also has a powerful initiation ability. However, she shines most against champions with dashes: Pyke, Leona, Nautilus… Poppy simply prevents these champions from diving into her allies or escaping if they get too close!
Janna, the Storm’s Fury
Janna specializes in defending her allies with "Eye of the Storm", and she can even shield structures! Though she doesn’t have a large health pool, she compensates with an incredibly high movement speed. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should approach enemies closely. She can launch her hurricanes from a great distance, knocking up enemies and dealing damage. At level 6, she gains the ability to heal herself and allies while also knocking back enemies. But be careful: while Janna is using her ultimate, she is very vulnerable.
Thresh, the Chain Warden
This champion has remained one of the most popular supports for many years—and for good reason. The main one? Versatility. Thresh excels at both initiating fights with Death Sentence and protecting his carry with Dark Passage. He is the only support in the game capable of pulling a careless ally out of the heart of battle—provided they remember to click the lantern, of course. That said, he is considered a fairly challenging champion, and mastering him can take quite a few games.
Lulu, the Fae Sorceress
At first glance, it may seem that mastering Lulu’s gameplay will be difficult. After all, her abilities can be used on both allies and enemies, with completely different effects. However, in reality, it’s simpler than it looks. This champion’s main role in the lane is to harass opponents, protect her ally, and disrupt enemy initiations. The cat-girl pairs well with many marksmen, but no one unleashes the full potential of her Pix like Kog’Maw.
Karma, the Enlightened One
In the hands of a skilled player, Karma becomes a true nightmare for opponents in lane. Though she lacks an ultimate in the traditional sense, this doesn’t stop her from being incredibly beneficial to her team. The key is learning which of her basic abilities to amplify at the right moment: "Inner Flame" for increased damage, "Focused Resolve" for a powerful initiation, "Defiance" for protecting multiple allies at once. Don’t be fooled by her low health: killing Karma is not easy. Her high mobility and annoying crowd control allow her to escape many dangers, even without a dedicated escape ability.
Rell, the Iron Maiden
Rell is often underestimated, especially by beginners and those who have never faced her. There are reasons for this—when Rell was first released, she was clunky and awkward, which led to a wave of complaints and her reputation as one of the least popular supports. However, after receiving a small update, the Iron Maiden became a real threat: her incredibly powerful initiation with "Magnet Storm" can easily secure multiple kills for her team, and "Shattering Strike", which destroys enemy shields, makes Rell a great choice against heroes like Blitzcrank, Sett, Tahm Kench, and others.
Nami, the Tidecaller
Nami is a great support healer for those who are tired of playing Soraka and want something a bit more complex—but not too difficult. She is incredibly fragile and vulnerable to enemy initiation, so she should always stay behind sturdier allies. Nami can not only heal her carry but also initiate fights effectively with Aqua Prison and Surging Tides. And don’t forget about Tidecaller's Blessing, which grants a damage bonus not only to an ally’s basic attacks but also to their abilities. Thanks to this, Nami works well not just with traditional marksmen but also with mages like Syndra and Veigar.
Leona, the Radiant Dawn
Leona is often seen as a support with a lot of crowd control and health but little damage. However, underestimating her damage output is a serious mistake. Leona deals an unusually high amount of damage, especially in the early game. She has a significant power spike at level two when she gains access to Shield of Daybreak and Zenith Blade. Every single one of her abilities applies some form of crowd control—be it slows, immobilization, or stuns—all with relatively short cooldowns! Additionally, she excels at roaming to other lanes, especially after hitting level six.
Taric, the Shield of Valoran
Taric has never been particularly popular, as his gameplay can feel a bit unusual. Most support champions specialize in one area—healing, damage, or crowd control. Taric, however, has all of the above, but with certain conditions. His stun requires him to get quite close, his healing is mana-intensive, and his damage depends on how actively he participates in fights. But if you master his unique playstyle, you'll have a truly powerful support in your arsenal, complete with an irreplaceable ultimate that grants area-wide invulnerability.
Zyra, the Rise of the Thorns
Zyra can certainly protect her allies, but her main specialization is dealing damage—a lot of it. Most of her damage doesn’t come from landing skill shots with 100% accuracy but rather from her plants. To grow them, the champion simply needs to exist in the lane and hit the automatically spawning seeds with her abilities. If she gains an advantage, she turns into a true monster, capable of taking down fragile champions on her own.
Senna, the Redeemer
Senna has been through a lot—both in terms of her in-game history and gameplay evolution. She has been built as a tank, a full utility support, and even played as an ADC, often paired with champions like Tahm Kench. Currently, she is played as a support specializing in dealing damage. Thanks to her passive ability, she grows stronger as the game progresses, collecting souls from fallen enemies and dealing increased damage to opponents. Over time, her attack damage, attack range, critical strike chance, and lifesteal all increase. By the late game, your team essentially gains a second marksman!
Zilean, the Chronokeeper
Zilean is a rare sight in games. It’s hard to pinpoint why he hasn't gained widespread popularity—perhaps it's his low health, lack of shields or healing, or reliance on landing skill shots. However, he possesses a truly unique skillset: reducing cooldowns, leveling up allies faster, and even fully resurrecting teammates. Not many support champions can boast such abilities!
Rakan, the Charmer
Rakan is highly valued for his versatility and incredibly strong initiation. While he may struggle a bit in lane due to his relatively low health and high cooldowns, he truly shines in team fights. He can engage both solo and alongside tanks. Thanks to his The Quickness + Grand Entrance combo, Rakan can charm and knock up multiple enemy champions at once! Additionally, he synergizes exceptionally well with Xayah—their abilities complement each other throughout the game, and they even have unique interactions.
Bard, the Wandering Caretaker Bard
Bard is an unusual support champion. While other support characters focus on protecting their carry, shielding them, and providing powerful healing, Bard simply... wanders off to other lanes? Yes, for the most part, that’s exactly how his gameplay works. To play him effectively, you need to carefully choose the right moment to leave your ADC alone and go collect magical chimes.
Gathering them is essential, as they not only restore mana and grant experience but also provide powerful permanent enhancements to Bard’s attacks throughout the game. His status as an unconventional support is further reinforced by his unique ultimate ability—if used at the wrong time, it can accidentally lead to the death of your own teammates.
Elise, the Spider Queen
Let’s be honest: Elise is a jungler, not a support. But in patch 15.5, she performs surprisingly well in the support role. The main reason? Her Cocoon—a skill shot that stuns an enemy champion on hit. When paired with an aggressive ADC who deals high early-game damage, this initiation often leads to an easy kill. Especially considering that Elise herself deals significant damage. Yes, she falls off in the late game, but if she secures early kills for her carry, that won’t matter as much.
Pyke, the Bloodharbor Ripper
Pyke is often chosen by players who don’t enjoy playing support but end up in the role anyway. While the developers originally designed him as a support, Pyke prefers to assist his team… by killing opponents. He has no shields, healing, or any abilities to protect his ADC, but he does have high damage, a powerful Bone Skewer + Ghostwater Dive combo, and invisibility. While this may be an unconventional support toolkit, its effectiveness is undeniable. Otherwise, you might just end up on his list…
Maokai, the Twisted Treant
Most initiator champions need to land a key crowd control ability to be effective… but not Maokai! This durable tank with high damage has an incredible immobilization ability that doesn’t even require precise aiming. Simply cast Twisted Advance on an enemy, and they’re already rooted. All that’s left is to knock them up and wait for your ADC to finish the job. But Maokai isn’t just about initiation—his saplings keep opponents under constant pressure, preventing them from comfortably approaching bushes.
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths
Nautilus' gameplay is reminiscent of Leona’s. He’s a sturdy tank with high early-game damage, and his initiation feels like getting hit by a ship. While he can’t dive straight through minions like Leona or Rell, that doesn’t mean escaping his anchor is easy. Thanks to its exceptionally wide hitbox, his hook makes engaging not only effective but also incredibly simple. Just land it, follow up with an auto-attack to root the target, and gift your ADC an easy kill.
Vel’Koz, the Eye of the Void
Vel’Koz is an incredibly frustrating opponent in lane, but only under one condition: he must land his abilities. Given that all of his skills are skill shots, this is not as easy as it seems. Additionally, the champion himself doesn’t have a large health pool, but he doesn’t need one. His ability range and cooldown speed allow this mage to keep a safe distance without exposing himself to danger.
Milio, the Gentle Flame
Milio is an excellent choice for those who prefer easy-to-learn supports. His ability kit is simple to master, and he only has one skill shot—his fireball, which knocks back and slows enemies. His gameplay revolves around well-timed shielding, healing, and removing crowd control effects with his ultimate. The most important thing is to stay close to your team and not get lost. He is extremely fragile and entirely dependent on allies, as he has no escape abilities, making him an easy target.
Sona, Maven of the Strings
Sona isn’t a major threat in lane, but she truly shines in team fights. All of her abilities provide buffs to nearby allies, whether it’s increased damage, shields, movement speed, or healing. Her ultimate is a powerful area-of-effect stun that is difficult to dodge. If you pick Sona, be prepared for a possibly passive laning phase. However, this pays off in the late game, even if you don’t dominate your lane early on.
Annie, the Dark Child
Image: wallpapers.99px
Despite her short range, Annie can be a huge problem for her lane opponents. Thanks to her passive ability, which is easy to charge by casting basic spells, she can quickly build up a stun and unleash a powerful crowd control effect at the right moment. Since Disintegrate is a targeted ability, missing isn’t an option. However, she becomes truly terrifying after reaching level six. Her fiery bear, Tibbers, can stun multiple enemies at once while dealing massive damage.
Xerath, the Magus Ascendant
Compared to other damage-focused supports, Xerath has one huge advantage: his ability range. He can charge his primary skill from outside the enemy’s vision range, and it casts so quickly that dodging it is extremely difficult. On top of that, his kit includes an area slow and a strong stun. He can also solve his own mana issues simply by landing auto-attacks. Upon reaching level six, this champion can participate in fights over Dragon without even leaving the safety of his turret.
Morgana, the Fallen
Morgana is an excellent pick against champions with heavy crowd control, such as Thresh or Blitzcrank. Her shield makes the targeted ally completely immune to stuns, slows, roots, and similar effects. But that’s not all—her kit also includes a powerful binding ability that immobilizes the first enemy hit for up to three seconds when fully leveled! Of course, landing it requires some practice, and if you miss, Morgana is left vulnerable.
Yuumi, the Magical Cat
Not everyone enjoys playing on the same team as Yuumi, as, in a way, the ADC is left alone against two opponents in the lane. The character’s entire gameplay revolves around attaching to an ally and using abilities while remaining immune to any damage. It sounds overpowered, and in some cases, it is—but not always. First, this little cat is highly dependent on the actions and positioning of her ADC. Second, she sometimes has to detach to activate her passive ability. If she isn't careful enough and gets caught by a random crowd control effect, she might as well start waiting for the respawn timer.
Tahm Kench, the River King
Although Tahm Kench can no longer swallow allies and carry them out of the hottest spots at level two, he still remains a threat. His playstyle has shifted from defensive to offensive, as he can now execute powerful initiations. Additionally, he boasts high damage output and excellent survivability thanks to his shield and healing. His full potential is unlocked at level six when he can use his ultimate ability not only to secure an easy kill for his team but also to save an ally from a sudden ambush.
Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness
Renata Glasc is an exceptional and versatile support whose true power shines in team fights. Her ability kit is well-rounded, featuring stuns, slows, knockbacks, damage amplification, and shields for allies. However, her most unique abilities are what make her stand out. Bailout grants an ally bonus movement and attack speed, while Hostile Takeover forces enemies to attack each other. Just imagine the chaos if she lands it on the entire enemy team while they’re taking Baron Nashor!
Brand, the Burning Vengeance
All of Brand’s abilities are skill shots, requiring precise aim. But landing them isn’t enough—it’s crucial to hit them in the right order. Each of his abilities ignites the target, and striking a burning enemy with another ability triggers an additional effect, such as a stun or bonus damage. Brand’s true power lies in team fights, especially against tanky opponents. His ultimate ability unleashes a chain of explosions, dealing massive damage across multiple enemies.
The champions we've discussed prove that playing support doesn’t mean settling for a secondary role. It’s an opportunity to be a strategist whose actions shape the outcome of the game. All that’s left is to choose a champion that fits your playstyle and aesthetic preferences—and victory will follow!
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