Among all the resources in the game, coal is needed almost all the time. Without it, you won’t be able to comfortably explore underground depths or quickly and cheaply smelt other ores. To ensure you always have enough of this valuable mineral, we will tell you where to find coal in Minecraft.
First of all, it’s worth noting that this is the best fuel because it provides a lot of energy and is easy to obtain in large quantities. You can also use this item to create torches, which are essential for lighting. Without torches, you won’t see anything underground, and monsters will appear on the surface at night.
Where to find coal in Minecraft?
This is the most common mineral in the game. Finding coal is quite simple, even without going into a mine, because it can sometimes be found right on the surface.
Most deposits are located between heights 136 and 320, as well as between 0 and 192. This applies to Java version 1.20. In the Bedrock version, it’s also often found between 128 and 256. Usually, there’s a lot more items than any other ore. To check your current position, press the "F3" key. Y indicates your vertical coordinate (height).
How to mine these resources?
To get coal in Minecraft, you need to break a block of coal ore with any pickaxe. Even a wooden pickaxe will do, but it’s better to use a stone one because it’s easier to make and has much greater durability.
There’s no need to waste gold or diamond pickaxes on such ore. The only exception is if your pickaxe is enchanted with "Fortune". In that case, it truly makes sense. When you mine the ore, you get one unit of coal, and with the Fortune enchantment, you have a chance to get additional units per enchantment level.
By the way, mining coal ore also grants experience, which raises your character’s level. This is useful later for enchantments.
There are other ways to get coal. You can find it in chests throughout the world, in mines, villages, and other locations. Villagers may sell or buy it.
Killing Wither Skeletons also has a chance to yield coal. All these methods are less reliable than simply going mining if you need fuel right now, although sometimes trading with villagers can be very profitable.
How to craft coal in survival mode?
To do this, you need to open the crafting table by right-clicking on it.
Place a block of coal in the top-left corner, as shown in the image below.
Drag the resulting nine units of coal into any free slot in your inventory.
How to smelt coal in survival mode?
Right-click on the furnace to open the interaction interface.
Place the item you’ll use as fuel in the bottom slot. Put the coal ore in the top slot. The arrow shows the smelting progress. When it’s full, coal will appear in the right-hand slot.
Move the finished resource into any free slot in your inventory.
The flames indicate that the furnace still has energy, which you can use to smelt other items.
These are all the methods on how to get coal in Minecraft. Usually, even when you’re not trying to find it, it fills a substantial part of your inventory. However, if you need a large amount, you should search at the heights we mentioned. That will be the fastest way.
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