The Pokémon world is rich because players can choose any creature they like for the team and help ensure victory. We'll provide the exact number of all character kinds — 18. Some of them are quite strange, even mystical. However, it would be incorrect to say that they are inferior to the others. That would be wrong!
Today, we'll tell you about the mysterious psychic type Pokémon. Why do we call them mysterious? Because there are superstitions built around these characters in the rich universe. Here, you'll learn about their weaknesses, strengths, characteristics.
Let's start by looking at the features of the category. Such champions are quite common among legendary heroes. The mystical creatures possess excellent minds. It's worth noting that they are linked to real mythological discoveries.
It might not surprise anyone, but we'll mention it anyway: some of these types of Pokémon come directly from space (or are related to it).
Like everything that exists, characters have their pros and cons. Now we'll list their weaknesses, which players must consider if they wish to add such warriors to their team.
There are three main vulnerabilities: Bug, Dark (such game animals somewhat dominate the mind, instilling fears, which is why the weakness manifests), and Ghost. If you play these listed categories, you can simply annihilate all psychic type Pokémon. To combat mystical heroes, you might choose, for example, Genesect, Umbreon, or Dragapult.
Don't forget about the Steel variety either. Such beings can resist mystical creatures because some of them are made of machinery. This means that the characters don't feel or think about anything, which creates the main problem.
It's just how it is: for every champion, there's another fighter who can easily achieve a swift kill. But enough of the negatives, let's rather look at the advantages to not dissuade you from playing the psychic category.
If your warrior encounters Fighting or Poison kind champions, you can relax and certainly not fear. The battle will be won because these varieties are weak against psychic types. There's an interesting saying that the mind surpasses the body, which perfectly fits what we've written above. The brain controls everything, unlike a mountain of muscles, so such Pokémon can easily handle Fighting creatures.
Now about Poison kind. Sometimes we truly underestimate our mind, which is capable of resisting physical pain. Moreover, some substances work in such a way that the body can be poisoned, but the brain cannot.
An interesting and at the same time important point: psychic type Pokémon resist each other.
What else to know
Now, a few curious facts:
- they combine well with every category;
- creatures have the same name with a move and a trainer class;
- this category has the most legendary representatives, starting from the 9th generation.
Which heroes are considered the best
Every type has its best representatives. Now we will list them (based on Pokémon GO):
- Mewtwo;
- Hoopa (Unbound);
- Lunala;
- Latios;
- Metagross.
We've explored the most mysterious type of creatures, which can be simultaneously a strong and weak opponent. Playing as them, you'll enjoy the gameplay, as these characters are very interesting.
Main image by Ensigame