Kingdom Come: Deliverance is rightfully considered one of the most realistic and historically accurate RPGs. The combat system in the game has created a lot of buzz among gamers, and every battle here will truly be memorable. And what beautiful forests there are… The graphics, especially after the patches, are gorgeous, as is the sound design.

However, it’s impossible to please all players’ desires. Modders immediately took to the game, and now everyone can create their dream RPG. In this article, we will talk about the 15 best mods for Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Saving Anytime

Saving AnytimeImage: 

  • Author: EddieShoe and Biosmanager
  • Download: NexusMods

The most pressing issue in this game became the save system. The developers made every effort to achieve realism, and in this regard, too. They wanted players to value their lives, to think through every decision. Considering how complex the combat system is and the distances you have to trek, the hero's death feels very real.

Everything sounds quite beautiful, but then the developers come up with a magical schnapps! You drink a schnapps from a flask and save — very realistic. However, this schnapps is insanely expensive. Many were deterred from the game, but the Unlimited Saving mod saved everyone. Now you can save anytime.

Bow Aiming Marker

Bow Aiming MarkerImage: 

The combat system is a unique feature of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In this game, the ability to fight is not just numbers in the character's stats, but your personal experience. To get comfortable in combat, you will have to train repeatedly with teachers or on dummies. However, while you can get used to melee weapons and become a capable fighter, becoming a good archer is much more difficult.

You can't play Legolas and aim an enemy in the eye because there is no marker. Yes, there is a marker in melee combat, but not when shooting — thanks to the developers. Because of this, shooting at long distances is very difficult. This mod adds a marker, and it starts to glow if the arrow hits the target. Moreover, the marker itself is taken from the game, so it looks authentic.

Modified Lockpicking View

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In pursuit of realism, the developers broke another element of gameplay — lockpicking. For many RPG enthusiasts, locks have been a stumbling block since the TES series. Players faced a dilemma: break open a chest and get the loot or save their nerves, time, and lockpicks? In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, the complexity of this mechanic is taken to the extreme. It is no longer a mini-game of dexterity, but a battle of extrasensory perception, where you peer into the darkness of the keyhole and listen for sounds.

Why is the Sectorial Lockpicking mod so popular? You might think that lockpicking is not necessary if you play honestly. Unfortunately, lockpicking is mandatory at certain points. For those who love to take others' stuff, there is another sad news. Imagine you spend half an hour fiddling with a lock, breaking all your lockpicks. And you find an apple, a farmer's holey socks, stale bread crust, and a coin.

Sectorial Lockpicking visually simplifies lockpicking but does not affect the mechanics. This allows maintaining a certain level of hardcore gameplay, but now you don’t have to guess on cards to find the correct position.

Simplified Stealing

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Not only lockpicking causes discomfort, but the pickpocket system itself can cause both laughter and tears. The stealing mini-game is so long and difficult that it raises more questions. Just imagine your character trying to take a passerby’s wallet for 10 minutes. In this case, they would already be beaten with sticks! However, at the early stages, this leads to arrest.

The Better Pickpocket mod also does not change the game mechanics but makes them simpler. Now you can truly discreetly take loot from passersby with reduced risk.

Infinite Weight

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Those who love games with large open worlds and tons of loot always face the main problem — carry weight. The distances in Kingdom Come: Deliverance are considerable. Fast travel is also available, but it doesn’t teleport you. Your hero can walk quickly along the road, but if you’re ambushed, you can’t avoid a fight. Fighting while overloaded here is a separate torment, so you will most likely die.

Weight problems in this game are especially evident when you become a full-fledged knight. The weight of the gear you wear does not disappear. The hero in the game is a walking onion, as you cannot wear armor on a bare body. So you end up wearing several layers of clothing, plus heavy armor and weapons. There’s simply no space for loot, and everything found has to be left behind.

The unfair but extremely popular Unlimited Weight mod significantly eases gameplay. It makes the character's carry weight unlimited. While this does break the game, it allows you to enjoy gameplay without problems.

Dangerous Roads

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Let’s touch on the topic of moving around the world. As mentioned above, even fast travels can be dangerous, but for some players, this may not be enough. There is logic in this, as sometimes traveling along roads becomes quite routine. For battle enthusiasts, there is a solution — the Roads Are Dangerous - Redux mod.

With it, the frequency of ambushes will be higher, so you can not only practice in battles but also acquire loot.

Instant Herb Picking

Instant Herb PickingImage: 

Alchemy plays an important role in this project. You can’t brew magical potions, but concoctions are essential for a comfortable life in this harsh world. This is truly enticing and allows for deeper immersion in the game. But herb gathering becomes quite a routine. Not only do you have to search for them, but the process itself takes time.

Overall, you will spend a considerable amount of time gathering herbs. The very simple, yet extremely useful and popular Instant Herb Picking mod will relieve you of this routine. Now the process becomes instantaneous.

Pollution System Fix

Pollution System FixImage: 

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, mods fix the shortcomings made by the developers. This mod does not break the game and is recommended for everyone. It fixes the operation of a very interesting mechanic — character pollution.

As you move around the world, the main character gets dirty, and this is not just a change in textures. Pollution directly affects communication with other characters. If you smell like 300 Spartans, the desire to talk to you will sharply decrease. However, there is a perk “Man’s Scent” designed to conquer the female population with its aroma.

All is cool, but this mechanic works poorly. Walking 100 meters down a regular road from the tavern to the shop, you can get dirty as if you had waded through a swamp. Your hero gets dirty unreasonably quickly. This mod significantly increases the distance over which the hero gets covered in dirt.

Wash Items and Weapons in the Trough

Wash Items and Weapons in the TroughImage: 

Since we’re talking about the pollution system, it’s worth discussing another oddity. There are troughs with water scattered around the world, and this is quite realistic, but there is a catch — they are not functional. That is, to wash blood off your sword or dirt off your armor, you have to spend money on a bathhouse! Another option is to wash in the river, but for some reason, the main character cannot effectively wash off the dirt.

The Clean All Your Items In The Trough mod allows you to wash items in water troughs, and it’s great. We confidently recommend installing this feature.

Fixing Target Lock During Combat

Fixing Target Lock During CombatImage: 

Continuing the theme of perfecting the game. As we have already said, the combat system here is unique and interesting. You can’t hack at the enemy with random strikes, especially if the opponent is a knight with a shield or in heavy armor. Armor plays a full role here, so it’s easy to hit a man with a shirt, but piercing armor is much harder.

However, there is a flaw in this mechanic. When attacking an enemy, you lock onto them, not emotionally, but literally. It works like auto-targeting the enemy. For this reason, when fighting in a crowd, you risk missing a hit because the camera simply doesn't want to switch to another opponent.

The simple mod in the form of a configuration file More Responsive Targeting changes the target lock parameters and camera behavior. With it, you will feel comfortable fighting multiple opponents.

Helmet Does Not Obstruct View

Helmet Does Not Obstruct ViewImage: 

A full helmet looks cool — that's a fact. Moreover, in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, your protection plays a huge role. Armor not only clanks like a pile of iron and weighs like a truck but also protects you from damage. Realism is at its peak, but there is a nuance — you can't see anything with the helmet on. Completely.

The helmet's visor can be lifted, but this reduces protection. In the heat of battle, you will only see the enemy through a narrow slit, which can not only drive you crazy but also cause physical discomfort. To make the game more comfortable and protect yourself from dizziness, we recommend installing the No Helmet Vision modification, which removes the helmet's visual effect from the screen.

New Skills

New SkillsImage: 

  • Author: Xylozi - DarkDevil428
  • Download: NexusMods

KCD is still an RPG, albeit without beautiful elves and brutal dwarves. The hero development system exists here, but the diversity of perks is questionable. There are quite a few skills, but some of them are rather dubious.

Above, we mentioned “Man’s Scent,” and few will spend experience points on it. As a result, it may happen that there are many free experience points, and nowhere to allocate them, because many skills in the game have both positive and negative characteristics.

The Perkaholic — PTF updated modification fixes this oversight and adds a whole 50 new skills to the game. The developers have been working on the mod almost since the game's launch and have now achieved an amazing variety. The perks are linked both to attributes and weapon mastery skills. We recommend installing this mod for a deeper role-playing experience.



Mods such as cheat consoles or naked character skins are classic for almost any game. The modification that strips NPCs is available in this game, but believe us, you won’t want to see it. However, on-the-spot cheats are available, and this is the second most popular mod among fans.

Cheat Mods add a console to the game through which you can conjure anything you want. With this tool, completing this hardcore game becomes an easy walk. You can even autosave at any moment without the Unlimited Saving mod installed.

Balanced Ultra Graphics

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With the release of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 on the horizon, many will want to play through the first part again before the release. You might want to do this with maximum graphics and optimization, but the graphics here are so realistic that performance issues sometimes occur. It's time to fix this.

Optimized Ultra Graphics Configuration is a configuration file based on the extended CryEngine console, which has achieved excellent results. The average user does not have access to detailed settings, but thanks to the mod's author, you can enjoy the maximum graphical capabilities.

Perfect Optimization

The 15 best mods for Kingdom Come DeliveranceImage: 

For those who cannot afford ultra-settings, there is also an excellent option for comfortable gameplay. To achieve beautiful graphics, it is not necessary to strive for maximum graphics — just optimize the settings.

Again, the standard game tools cannot achieve this, but the mod's author managed to do it with a configuration file called Adjusted Performance Tweak (Update). Install it, and it will help you enjoy the gameplay.

With these 15 mods, we were able to bring the game almost to a perfect state. It is not at all necessary to simplify gameplay with “cheater” mods, but the list includes things that significantly improve mechanics without changing them.

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