Let’s imagine the following scenario: you're running around a cubic world, building a cozy little house or hunting for rare resources. Suddenly, you realize that your food supply is rapidly dwindling. Disaster! But this is no time to panic!
Image: ensigame.com
In such cases, melon can be a real lifesaver, as it’s not only tasty but also a useful food source. But how do you obtain it, grow it, and use it to its fullest potential? Let’s figure it out.
How to find this plant?
Melon isn’t commonly found in nature. Players need to put in some effort to acquire it. Here are a few ways to get seeds:
⛏️ Mines. Check the chests in abandoned mineshafts. You can often find melon seeds in Minecraft there.
Image: ensigame.com
🧔 Wandering traders. Wandering traders sell the necessary items. Make sure you have emeralds, as they don’t hand out goods for free (how rude, right?). The cost is 1 emerald.
Image: ensigame.com
🏡 Savanna villages. In these villages, you can find ripe melons. Just remember that it’s a local crop, so be careful when harvesting it. You wouldn’t want poor Steve to be run out of town with pitchforks.
Image: ensigame.com
🌴 Jungle biomes. You might also come across this coveted plant in jungle biomes. While exploring the tropical vegetation, you can discover entire patches of melons.
Image: ensigame.com
Once you get at least one seed, you’re set for plants throughout the game. From these fruits, you can produce even more items.
How to grow melons in Minecraft?
Before diving into gardening, you’ll need some essential tools to grow this sweet fruit. Players should have the following:
If you’ve got all these items ready, it’s time to get to work. Follow these steps to ensure success:
Prepare soil near water. Specifically, till the soil with a hoe.
Image: ensigame.com
Plant seeds on the tilled blocks. Fun fact: planting just one item can yield a significant number of sweet fruits.
Make sure there’s a free block (dirt, grass, or coarse dirt) next to each seed. That’s where the melon will grow.
Image: ensigame.com
Wait for the stem to grow. A fully grown stem will automatically produce melons under suitable conditions. Growth time ranges from 10 to 30 minutes of in-game time.
Image: ensigame.com
If you’re in a hurry, use bone meal to speed up stem growth. However, bone meal won’t affect the fruit itself — you’ll still need to wait for it.
Also, don’t forget about lighting. Without proper lighting, you won’t achieve good results. The light level must be at least 9, and torches can help with that.
Image: ensigame.com
Once the melon is grown, break it into slices to collect seeds in your inventory. After that, nothing can stop you from creating your own plantation.
What’s the benefit?
Image: ensigame.com
Now it’s time to consider the advantages of this plant. After all, you didn’t toil under the blazing sun for nothing.
🍈 Food. A single slice restores 2 hunger points. While it’s not much, growing melons provides a stable food supply.
🧪 Brewing. Using plant slices and gold nuggets, you can craft a glistering melon slice — a key ingredient for healing potions.
🏺 Decoration. Mature blocks can be used for decoration. Yes, they’re somewhat similar to pumpkins in this regard.
Why might a melon fail to grow?
Image: ensigame.com
Issues with your harvest can arise if:
❌ The block for the melon’s growth is occupied or missing.
❌ The soil isn’t well-lit. As mentioned earlier, a light level of at least 9 is required.
❌ You forgot to water the soil. Technically, water isn’t mandatory, but without it, the process is much slower.
Melons are not only a useful resource but also a chance to feel like a farmer in the pixelated world. This plant provides immense benefits to players and a reliable food supply, which is always a delight!
Main image: ensigame.com