There are many forms of entertainment in Minecraft: hunting for resources, farming, exploring the world, and much more. Gamers can create anything they like, for example, building a snowman in Minecraft.

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Yes, such entertainment is available in the vast sandbox. But to indulge in winter fun, players need to know how to create this wonder. We’ll help our readers with this. But before starting, we recommend you read the article about realistic textures to make creation look even better!

What components will be useful?

To succeed, below is an image showing all the resources needed to create a snow golem in Minecraft.

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However, there is one nuance. If you do not wish to make a snow golem specifically, one snow block should be replaced with concrete or wool. This is necessary to ensure that the creation does not come to life.

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Also, the user should consider the pumpkin. There is an option to use a carved pumpkin to make the sculpture look prettier. However, you can keep it simple and use any variant (this is also needed for the creature to come to life).

How to make a snowman in Minecraft?

So, you’ll need to embark on a short journey to obtain a pumpkin for a future frozen friend. The adventure won’t take too long because the orange grassy plant is found in many fertile lands, that is, biomes. To avoid acclimatization (just kidding), they can look for the necessary component in a snowy area.

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Here's a little tip: as soon as you find a pumpkin, you can use it later for breeding others.

Then the gamer needs to deal with snow blocks, having a silk touch tool with them. This tool is necessary to break the snow and collect the block. Alternatively, the user can use a shovel to separate the top snow layer to obtain snowballs (four of these are required to craft a block).

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Now that you have the necessary components, it's time to start building the figure.

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At some point, an aesthete might think that the pumpkin looks unattractive. It would be better if this plant weren't there. Well, that's feasible. Take scissors for the golem and carve a face. However, after this action, the grassy plant can no longer be placed on the so-called sculpture (so it would be optimal for the player to create several versions of snow friends).

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Let's consider the different creations that a gamer can achieve. Below they are all presented. There are ones made from living material, concrete, wool, and without a pumpkin.

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Do you see the hands on the sculptures? To create them, the user will need levers. Wool is obtained from sheared sheep. Making something with white concrete powder is a bit more complicated, but does that scare a daring explorer of the cubic world?

The gamer will need the following resources:

  • 4 sand;
  • 4 gravel;
  • white dye.

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In principle, the dye can be of any color if you want a variety of colors.

There's another point: only regular sand is required. To obtain solid concrete, the user needs to perform the following actions:

  • add concrete powder in a column;
  • pour water over it.

All that remains is to wait for the moment when the water and concrete powder react and harden.

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What is the purpose of a snowman?

While clocks and fences have practical uses, the same cannot be said for a snowman. However, golems can attack nearby mobs, although they do not take any damage themselves.

There's another interesting use for golems — as a weapon against blaze enemies, but the damage is only 1.5 full hearts. Likely, your friend will die faster from fiery projectiles.

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Additionally, they perpetually generate snow, which is another small advantage.

We have figured out how to make a snow golem in Minecraft. It's not difficult to do, but it's better to use the creation as decor. Let them delight users every day and bring the unique coziness of a winter fairy tale!

Main image by Easy DiffusionÂ