The events unfold in Phantom World, where Chinese mythology, steampunk, occultism and kung fu are combined. The main character, an assassin of the organization “The Order” named Saul, who is drawn into a conspiracy. After being mortally wounded, he survives thanks to a cure that only works for 66 days. During this time, Saul has to find the real culprit.
The developers have unveiled a new clip of the boss fight, emphasizing that it is an “unedited gameplay video.” The game is being built on Unreal Engine 5 with next-gen standards in mind. The combat system is inspired by Asian martial arts movies. Expect fast and fluid battles with blocks, parries and dodges, and boss battles include multiple stages.
According to a recent survey of 3,000 game developers, 80% of them favor the PC platform over consoles. In 2024, the percentage increased to 66% from just 58% in 2021. This illustrates the rapid growth in interest in the PC market in recent years. The findings show that industry priorities have changed.
As developers increasingly choose the PC because it provides flexibility, scalability, and a wider audience, consoles are becoming less and less important. For instance, 34% of developers are currently working on Xbox Series X|S games, compared to just 38% working on PS5 games (including the Pro version).
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