Despite Baldur's Gate III being an instant classic with great sales and critical acclaim, there is not enough merch. Luckily, the situation is changing. Funko is set to release Pop figures of characters from Baldur's Gate III soon. Initially, three characters from the game will get their own figures: Astarion, Shadowheart, and Karlach.

All three figures will be the standard 10-centimeter height. Astarion's figure will have two variants (one holding a book and the other holding a dagger), while Karlach and Shadowheart's figures will be released in a single version each.

Karlach's figure includes an extra bonus: a toy bear named Clive, who appears at the camp near Karlach in the game. The designers have altered Clive’s style slightly, making him look a bit roasted.

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Pre-sales of the Karlach, Astarion, and Shadowheart figurines will begin on October 17. There has been no announcement yet regarding Pop figures for other Baldur's Gate 3 characters.

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