In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are moments when you can’t do without help. For example, just recently, I encountered an insanely strong monster that didn’t even let me drink a potion to restore my HP. It became clear that I would die faster in solo mode than I would achieve victory. I needed help.

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In this article, we’ll figure out how to attract hunters or NPCs.

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  1. How to Send an SOS Signal

How to Send an SOS Signal

How to Send an SOS Signal in monster hunter wildsImage:

To call for help, the player needs to launch special flare guns into the sky, i.e., an SOS signal. The button combinations will differ for consoles and PCs. But before this, the player needs to set up the Radial Menu. Below is an image showing how to do this for all consoles and computers.

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In the main menu (Esc), you can customize the Radial Menu. Once you’re done, you can call it up at any time using a key or button combination. For PCs, this will be Ctrl + left mouse button, while holding the left button and moving it to the area where the SOS is located (for me, it’s at the bottom). For consoles, you need to (by default) hold L1 on the controller and then press down on the right analog stick.

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Once you send the signal, up to three players or NPCs can join your group. Once all slots are filled, no one else will be able to join the party.

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Users on PS5 and Xbox consoles need an online subscription to invite random players when sending an SOS signal.

You can use help from the very start of the mission. This is very convenient, especially if you’ve just started exploring the Monster Hunter universe, beginning with this installment, as I did. Although I initially fought alone like a tigress, it eventually became impossible to defeat monsters solo. My skills just weren’t enough!

By the way, during a quest, the player can change the group size. For example, if you don’t want to fight in a group of four, you can fight in a duo. This can be done by accessing the Expand Party Size option under the Missions & Quests tab in the Settings menu.

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We’ve figured out how to call for help from other hunters in MH Wilds using the SOS signal. It requires a bit of tinkering with the settings, but it’s definitely worth it!

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