The trailer for Assassin's Creed Shadows, set in feudal Japan during the Samurai era, has sparked a fierce reaction from the gaming community. In less than 24 hours, the video amassed nearly 4 million views on YouTube, but the like-to-dislike ratio was disheartening for Ubisoft.
At the time of writing, the statistics showed 198,000 likes against 233,000 dislikes, despite the publisher's attempt to hide the official dislike count, which can still be viewed using browser extensions.
In the comments, gamers criticized the perceived high price of the game — $70 for the standard edition on PC and $109 on PlayStation 5. The Ultimate edition for consoles is an eye-watering $189.
"Remember, never pre-order Ubisoft games," one user warned.
Moreover, many players expressed disappointment at the lack of actual gameplay footage in the trailer, which consisted entirely of cinematic scenes.
Assassin's Creed Shadows is scheduled for release on November 15, 2024, for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series.
Main image: Ensigame