Bethesda released the Creation Kit editor for Starfield in early June, and with the update, they added a series of missions for the Trackers Alliance faction. However, there is a catch.

The first mission is available for free, and everything might seem good. However, mission number two must be downloaded through the Creations menu. Upon opening this menu, players discovered that the quest costs $7, and it appears this is only the first of many missions Bethesda plans to sell separately.

The issue is compounded by the fact that players cannot simply pay $7, as Creations uses a currency called Creation Credits. To have enough credits to purchase the added mission, players must spend $9.

As a result, players began leaving negative reviews for the game on Steam. They are unhappy that Bethesda is once again trying to push the idea of paid mods, which the community had previously criticized in TES V: Skyrim. Players believe that Starfield is far from being in a state where Bethesda can justify charging money for a single quest, calling this decision an insult to the audience.

By the end of 2024, Bethesda plans to release a major expansion for Starfield titled Shattered Space, a teaser for which was shown at the Xbox presentation.

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