In March, Brawlhalla had a Star Wars event where four popular characters of this iconic franchise joined the brawler. However, if we speak about the legacy of George Lucas, there is at least one famous villain that was left out, but not for long. On May 1, Darth Maul will join Brawlhalla.

It is currently unknown which character Darth Maul will mirror in terms of abilities. For Brawlhalla, it is common for guest characters, be they WWE wrestlers, Street Fighter or Walking Dead characters, to be basically a reskin of default Brawlhalla fighters. The community believes that Darth Maul will most likely mirror Hattori as his primary weapon is a spear.

While we all know that Star Wars Day is May 4, the developers of Brawlhalla will miss this time as they release patches on Wednesday. But we have nothing against it since Darth Maul arrives three days early - on May 1, and while "first" sounds worse than "fourth" when it comes to wordplays around "May the force be with you", the date still sounds okayish. 

And we get three extra days of joy. Isn't it good? Because the main thing is just having fun. That's what games are about, right?

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