Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again… After each wipe, players in Escape from Tarkov aim to acquire the secure container Kappa. The main features of the Kappa container include the ability to keep loot even if the raid ends unsuccessfully - a worthy reward in Tarkov.
To do so, they must complete dozens of quests and collect several unique items — a challenging task for the average player. However, with the latest event, obtaining the container has become much easier. That should spark some interest, even if only for a week or two.
Now, the Fence offers a quest called Dark Times. Players must head to the factory at night and eliminate 30 targets in PvP mode using only the TOZ-106 shotgun. Among players, the TOZ-106 is considered one of the most useless weapons in the shooter, but with the right choice of ammunition, killing 30 targets will not be a serious problem.
Image: x.com
Of course, many players were not thrilled about receiving this rare container just before a wipe. This means that very soon, all players' progress will be reset. Community members suggest that the wipe should happen somewhere around the New Year.
Main image: x.com