Journalists had the opportunity to try the new game from the Dragon Age series, and they shared their first impressions of The Veilguard.

During the preview session, journalists were shown the character editor. According to the reviewers, it seemed very flexible and functional—just what RPG fans need. Before starting the game, players can choose their race, class, and subclass, as well as specify their character's backstory, which will affect dialogue options and relationships with factions. Armor and clothing will scale and adjust to any race and chosen body type, BioWare staff assured.

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, players battle in real-time but can pause the game to plan their strategy more carefully, such as giving commands to companions. According to journalists, players can complete The Veilguard as a standard action RPG without any pauses. On the other hand, if a player desires more control over the course of the battle, they will have extensive tactical options for doing so.

Combat in The Veilguard is dynamic and varied. Players can use different types of melee and ranged weapons, as well as spells that can be skillfully combined with each other. According to journalists, even in the preliminary version, they noticed a wide variety of equipment and abilities.

The Veilguard appears to be the best game in the series in terms of dynamism and intensity of gameplay. The game essentially represents a full-fledged action experience, the reviewers wrote.

The Veilguard is a linear game based on distinct, meticulously detailed missions rather than an open world.

Each companion in The Veilguard is thoroughly developed. Companions have complex backstories, deep motivations, and their own issues, the developers reported. Players can establish romantic relationships with each companion, regardless of the player's character's gender or race. To learn all the details about a companion's story, it is not necessary to start a romance with them. Companions can form relationships with each other if the player does not pay attention to them.

Playing through The Veilguard does not require having played previous parts of the series first. It is a standalone story that newcomers to the franchise will easily understand. The presentation of The Veilguard made a positive impression on journalists, especially in contrast to the unsuccessful debut cinematic trailer.

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