Helldivers 2 hit a staggering 300,000 negative reviews, setting a Steam record for paid games. This was Sony's masterstroke: requiring PC gamers to register a PSN account. However, the catch is that PSN isn't accessible everywhere, with some nations excluded due to political sanctions or simply not being supported. As a result, the game became unplayable for many, with no refunds available on Steam.

Arrowhead's studio head shared they're exploring solutions for countries outside PSN's reach, in ongoing discussions with Sony. Players, having invested in a premium PC title, expressed relentless criticism, fearing their purchase would soon become worthless.

Initially approved during development, the mandatory PSN link seemed set in stone, leaving the outcome uncertain. However, following intense backlash, PlayStation backtracked, canceling plans for the compulsory PSN integration scheduled for release. New players would have faced immediate linkage, while existing ones had a deadline of May 30th.

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This two-day scandal highlights the pitfalls of hasty decision-making by publishers and developers. Sony, seemingly oblivious to the consequences, overlooked community concerns. Arrowhead knew of the PSN requirement early on but seemingly failed to act or devise a region-inclusive alternative, underscoring the importance of comprehensive planning in gaming releases.

Main image: Ensigame