This week Mortal Kombat 1 received a big update that added Conan the Barbarian to the battles. However, there was also one addition that was not announced and can be called unexpected - a ninja dressed in pink and with a name… Floyd! You may think of it as a joke, but he is a legit secret fighter.
Of course, he is a walking reference to the legendary rock band. The introduction of Floyd references the cover of the Dark Side of the Moon, which features the dispersion of light into several colours. It is worth noting that Floyd mostly uses moves of other ninjas. Floyd can freeze enemies like Sub-Zero or use spears like Scorpion. Another fun fact is that he has 1337 health points.
Veterans who remember the origin of the franchise, will have a feeling of deja vu as somewhat similar happened to Reptile. It was a secret fighter in the very first Mortal Kombat game. Reptile was very hard to beat, and his move list was a compilation of other ninjas.
Currently, the community tries to find the way to trigger this encounter with pink Floyd, as it now seems somewhat random, although Floyd gives hints at what challenges must be completed. However, we don't have a full confirmation.
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