Finally, Steam has introduced the ability to hide games purchased in the store from the main account. The new cart feature was tested for 2 months. Clicking Add to Cart now brings up a menu with action options: buy for yourself, a pleasing purchase, or a gift for a friend. Games can be added indefinitely, then moved to the main cart for payment. 

SteamImage: Ensigame 

The hiding function works both at the moment of purchase and at any other time. Hidden games will only be visible to you in your library. Now, you can play hentai and other 18+ games without fear of being caught.

SteamImage: Ensigame 

Also, you can now send gifts to several friends with a single click, instead of one by one as before. This saves your time, but not your money.

Steam is one of the largest platforms for digital distribution of games, owned by Valve Corporation. The platform regularly holds sales, offering games at reduced prices. This attracts many players. Steam collects a person's gaming statistics: the number of games, time spent in the title, and sums up the year.

Main image by Ensigame