A pivotal figure in the Bleach universe, Hirako is renowned for his charisma and unorthodox style of leadership. He became a squad leader in charge of strategic operations and command in combat after being one of the first captains to betray the Soul Society. Apart from his position as captain, Hirako possesses particular abilities associated with his special Shikai sword, which allows him to control opponents' thoughts.
The trailer for Bleach: Rebirth of Souls demonstrates how the fighter manipulates opponents and undermines their confidence by using their powers to cause mayhem on the battlefield. Hirako's ability to unexpectedly swing between offensive and defensive maneuvers makes this style of play ideal for aficionados of combat strategy and tactics.
Since both combatants are constantly focused on one another, the game is a 1 on 1 3D combat game with an emphasis on back-and-forth movement similar to a 2D plane focus, but with some limited walking movement in all directions.
According to the source material, characters can either fight on the ground or wind up standing in midair by creating Reishi on their feet, which causes the plane's inclinations between the two fighters to change frequently.
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