A new World of Warcraft promotional campaign was recently launched in China. NetEase marked the beginning of the Lunar New Year celebrations with the launch of a themed train.
This train is made in the style of World of Warcraft: on the outside there is a WoW logo, and inside there are images of the franchise's characters and promotional materials.
Image: netease.com
The opening was attended by models in the images of famous characters of the Blizzard universe, they also presented memorable gifts to the first passengers - published several photos and a record from the scene.
Image: netease.com
World of Warcraft's Patch 11.1 enhanced raids by making them more entertaining and generous. Among the main changes are a new raid named The Liberation of Lorenhall, a redesigned rewards system, and the Gallagio Loyalty progression system. Participants in the Liberation of Lorenhall raid will receive special perks under the new Gallagio Loyalty system.
Players will be able to obtain strong damage and healing buffs, access to facilities like auctions and crafting tables, and faster food consumption in place of typical awards. Free Augment Runes and skills like building portals or avoiding certain stages of a raid are examples of special prizes.
Main image: netease.com