A new trailer for the Minecraft movie has officially dropped online, leaving with mixed feelings. While it looks decent, the question remains—does it convince viewers that the film will be good? Let’s break it down.

The first teaser was met with widespread disapproval. Critics were unimpressed with the 3D graphics, found Jack Black’s character grating (essentially just Jack Black being Jack Black), and considered the quartet of protagonists a complete miss.

So, what’s different in the full trailer? For starters, the visuals appear to have improved, and with more screen time, viewers seem to have warmed up to the trailer. The nostalgic inclusion of a track by C418 has struck a massive chord with longtime fans. It’s clear that the movie is positioning itself as family-friendly entertainment, with Jack Black likely to dominate the spotlight — whether that’s good or bad depends on perspective.

What remains concerning is the narrative depth of the film. Will it offer more than just fan service for dedicated Minecraft enthusiasts? Will it appeal to parents who’ve never played the game? And how strong will Jack Black’s performance truly be? The trailer doesn’t provide answers to these questions — nor is it necessarily meant to. Unfortunately, it also fails to convince me that the movie will be exceptional.

Main image: youtube.com