Steam is a favorite platform for millions of gamers, not just because it's a convenient game store. One of the most important features of the platform is its marketplace, where users can trade in-game items. Naturally, this attracts many scammers looking to steal valuable skins from users.

For a long time, one of the most popular scam methods was API-scamming. The victim would be given a fake QR code for logging in or directed to a fake website. The unsuspecting person would log into their account as usual, but scammers would gain full access, allowing them to transfer in-game items to third, fourth, and fifth accounts, where the valuable skins would simply disappear.

Now, it seems Valve has implemented a new restriction: if a person logs into their account from a new device, trading from that device will be disabled for several days. This gives the user more time to reset authorizations and change passwords if they mistakenly grant access to their account, but without losing their valuable inventory. This is a major blow to scammers.

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