The difficulty in Kingdom Come 2 is higher than in most RPGs, and it achieves this with realistic and engaging mechanics, not just by simply increasing enemy stats. However, there is always room for more challenge, and so, a more difficult mode will be released in April for those looking to test themselves.

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The main innovation is the introduction of negative perks, an original way to complicate the game using realistic elements. The character will develop traits that hinder daily life and force players to adapt. This experience will appeal to players who enjoy playing as flawed characters.

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Right now, the Hardcore Mode mod for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is available. It implements most of the features that developers have planned for this mode. Below, we will discuss these in detail.

What Are Negative Perks?

Negative perks are the opposite of talents. Each one worsens something in Henry’s life. The mod allows you to toggle any of these perks on or off at will using hotkeys. In the settings, you can assign a convenient button for each perk.

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Each perk has unique properties — some may seem insignificant, while others will have a significant impact on gameplay. If you enable all of them at once, completing the game this way will require overcoming numerous challenges, finding workarounds in situations that wouldn’t normally pose any issues. 

All Negative Perks in Kingdom Come 2:

  • Bad Back;
  • Heavy-Footed;
  • Numbskull;
  • Somnambulant;
  • Hangry Henry;
  • Sweaty;
  • Picky Eater;
  • Bashful;
  • Punchable Face;
  • Menace.

Bad Back

A bad back reduces the maximum weight Henry can carry. If you carry too many items, Henry will become overloaded. In this state, he cannot run or ride a horse. His normal movement speed, attack speed, and dodge speed are also reduced. Additionally, attacks consume more stamina.

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The easiest way to overcome this condition is to acquire a horse and transfer most of the items to its inventory. The harder and longer path involves gradually increasing carrying capacity by leveling up strength and perks like Pack Mule, Well-Built, and Strong as a Bull.

At the start of the game, either carry minimal items or, conversely, overload yourself to increase strength faster.


Footwear wears out faster, and the character makes more noise. Even without Heavy-Footed, clothing deteriorates quickly, and now this will be even more of an issue. As for noise, this negative perk affects players who prefer stealth. Thieves, lock-pickers, and stranglers with this perk will need to carefully choose their clothing to minimize the sound they make.

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Whenever you come across a tailor kit, pick it up or buy it. Also, improve skills in the Craftsmanship branch. These will make repairs cheaper, and repairing items yourself will provide useful bonuses.

Thieves are already used to monitoring their clothing's noise level. Sometimes, it’s even better to sneak around naked.


Henry will earn less experience from any sources. Essentially, you will need to work harder to level up. Completing the game will require more time and patience. The journey from "rags to riches" will feel more organic and gradual. Kingdom Come 2’s realism in these aspects will usually only motivate players to overcome the obstacles.

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To speed up the leveling process, complete more quests, read books, and train with instructors. Also, focus on using the most essential skills to level them up as quickly as possible.


Stamina depletes much faster and recovers slower than usual. Chases and battles become much more difficult, and any missteps in combat can quickly lead to death. The available time for aiming with a bow is reduced because the character quickly exhausts themselves while drawing the string.

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An interesting feature is that riding from house to house on horseback around the village can actually be a good idea. After all, walking with this negative perk will be extremely exhausting! It’s important to level up skills that reduce stamina consumption for various actions. Many of these have activation conditions, so striving to meet them will diversify the gameplay.

Hangry Henry

The character will get hungry more often, and food will satisfy less than usual. In addition to the regular consequences of hunger, the following attributes will decrease by 5 points:

  • Speech;
  • Charisma;
  • Intimidation.

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You will need to pay attention to food lying around, hunt, and also smoke and dry supplies. Keep an eye on your hunger levels to avoid missing the right moment for a snack. Be more mindful of how hungry you will get while sleeping.


Henry gets dirty more quickly. The distance from which others can smell the stench coming from the dirty hero is doubled. Moreover, perfumes won’t mask the smell. This primarily complicates life for diplomats and those who prefer stealth.

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In settlements, it’s easy to find a washbasin with water to clean up. Now, this will become a mandatory ritual. Stock up on plenty of soap to always be able to wash your clothes. Baths are always the best way to wash off dirt, but they are paid. To avoid soiling beautiful clothes, don’t wear them casually. By the way, with this negative perk, you should always dress well before dialogues.

Picky Eater

All food in the inventory spoils 25% faster. Even in normal mode, food often spoils, and you have to throw it away. Never eat spoiled food, as it will poison you. It’s better to regularly get rid of expired food than to die from stomach pain.

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Regularly update your food supplies. When taking new food, eat what hasn’t spoiled yet and throw away the spoiled ones. Don’t overeat, or you’ll get a painful debuff. Smoking and drying food increase its shelf life, but it’s not a cure-all.


Shyness makes it harder to speak well, reducing the experience gained in the Speech skill, and without leveling it up, sometimes it’s impossible to complete certain quests peacefully. This will be especially noticeable in the first 30 hours of gameplay, as after that, the skill will gradually level up and alternative ways to increase your stats will become available.

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As for alternatives, clothing is key to changing how others perceive your character. Even with bad Speech, dressing like a noble or knight will make resolving conflicts through dialogue much easier. Sometimes, there’s an option to bribe your interlocutor, which is also a good way to bypass the Bashful condition.

Punchable Face

Fights become more dynamic due to the reduced delay between enemy strikes. Increased aggression from enemies minimizes the chance to recover stamina, especially in battles with crowds.

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Overall, this is a small change that mostly affects the player’s skill requirements for winning battles. Great equipment will, of course, always make combat easier, but without knowledge of how to fight properly, you won’t survive even in the normal version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.


If Henry is branded for a serious crime, the mark won’t disappear over time. A branded criminal will be executed if they commit another serious offense. If the game ended here, it would indeed be a significant change, but most players will simply load their last save and continue playing.

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It’s an interesting concept, but there are few realistic ways for players to use it. Perhaps someone will decide to roleplay redemption and leave their criminal past behind after receiving the brand.

Survival Strategies with Negative Perks in Kingdom Come 2

During leveling, you should prioritize perks that in some way negate the effects of the negative ones. Is your carrying capacity reduced? Then you’ll need a skill to increase it. This method is ideal for those who want to play the game more comfortably in this mode.

The most noticeable impact on combat comes from stamina-reducing limitations. The best thing you can do is avoid additional debuffs, like overeating. The more stamina you have, the easier it will be to catch an enemy when they’re out of breath and you’re not.

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You’ll have to spend money more often to maintain yourself, eat well, and bypass checks during dialogues. As a result, you’ll have more motivation to earn money. The faster you save for good clothes, the sooner you’ll be able to resolve conflicts in dialogues for free.

For those who want to earn money by playing dice at the tavern, we recommend reading our guide on dice gameplay.

As a thief, it can be faster to acquire the necessary items, but some negative perks complicate this playstyle. You need to choose the most suitable outfit and stay clean to avoid attracting attention due to smell.

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The cheapest way to get a horse is to steal one and then bring it to a gypsy camp. For a modest fee, it will become yours. A trusty steed is very useful when your carrying capacity and stamina are reduced. By the way, choose a horse with characteristics that suit you best.

You can find 10 more tips for effective gameplay in this article. They’ll help you overcome the challenges of the hardcore mode in Kingdom Come 2.

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Realistic Gaming Experience in Kingdom Come 2

Some players have already had the chance to play with this mod. One of their impressions can be heard in the video:

They highlight the added realism brought by the negative perks and other changes made by the mod.

There are several complications that add realism. They can’t be turned off, unlike perks. For example, the hero is not marked on the map, there are no fast travel options, and there’s no interface displaying your health, stamina, and other parameters at the bottom of the screen. You can read the full list of changes on the mod’s page.

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The hardcore mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will undoubtedly bring many amazing stories, and you can read about those that have already occurred in the normal game by following the link.

Survival in Kingdom Come 2 is an important element of immersion in the game world, and with negative perks, it becomes even more intense. Thanks to the Hardcore Mode, you have a unique opportunity to experience a harder version of the game before the official release. Henry’s journey is full of struggles, and here, there are even more — an increased portion of satisfaction when achieving your goals.

Have you tried the mod? What challenges seemed most interesting to you? Share your stories and survival strategies in the hardcore mode in the comments!

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