For almost a year Dota 2 fans had the opportunity to experience the biggest in-game event in its history, Crownfall. Today the event should have ended, but Valve decided to prolong it for a little bit more. In a blog post, developers set the final deadline to February 6, three weeks from now.

Although such a decision is, to be honest, unsurprising (Valve previously prolonged different acts, and two months is not enough for casual players to both enjoy the big Act IV and finish later Echelons in the Nest of Thorns mini-game), it might shock some people that the Frostivus event has indeed come to an end on time. To sum up, you can still get tokens and clear the big adventure of Shendelzare and Dragonus, but you can't get freebies by placing a snowman before first blood of high fiving teammates after the kill. 

Even though the event is extended, I still would like to say thank you to all Valve developers who worked on Crownfall, because this event was monumental. By the way, the Dota 2 team prepared some surprises and easter eggs in the Credits section of the event. This was an epic and entertaining journey, let's hope this will not be a swan song for the Dota 2 in-game content. 

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