Natus Vincere is one of the most popular esports organizations in the world. However, throughout its history, the Ukrainian club has stayed away from the major LoL leagues. In recent years, rumors have circulated in the community that NAVI was looking for a way to organically enter the top leagues.

Now, a new round of such rumors has surfaced. The Sheep Esports reported, citing its own sources, that NAVI is attempting to acquire a slot in the European LEC league. According to the media, NAVI is in talks with Rogue, who has been trying to sell their LEC slot since 2024. Originally, the club wanted to leave the league by the end of last year, but potential deals with Team Falcons and Nigma Galaxy were blocked by Riot Games.

An additional factor supporting the truth of these intentions is the successful collaboration between Natus Vincere and Riot Games. The Ukrainian club is already represented in the major Valorant league and is thus familiar with the rules of Riot's esports ecosystem.

The exact cost of Rogue’s LEC slot remains undisclosed. If the negotiations are successful and Riot Games approves the deal, NAVI could field their team in the summer split of 2025.

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