Many shooter fans claim they buy the next Call of Duty installment not for the narrative component, but there are those who enjoy the "explosive story" before starting the PVP component.
Activision's teams typically offer a single-player campaign that takes 6-9 hours to complete. These are not lengthy adventures with interesting stories and a lot of impressive scenes.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 takes roughly 3 hours to complete. Bloggers are releasing surprisingly short videos that essentially suggest the adventure can be completed in one sitting in front of the screen.
According to Activision, Modern Warfare 3 is a full-fledged part of the series with the now-standard $70 price tag for the base edition. Also, maps returning from 2009 occupy a central place in the multiplayer mode.
Naturally, YouTube is now flooded with videos featuring gameplay footage, cutscenes, and spoilers. There are also several videos with full story playthroughs.
Of course, the game also has a multiplayer mode, for which most people buy a new Call of Duty every year.
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