Based on data from the official website, in “quick play” mode the most popular character was Jeff, ahead of Venom and Cloak and Dagger. But in competitive mode on PC, Luna Snow, Cloak & Dagger and Mantis came out on top, while on consoles, Cloak & Dagger, Penny Parker and Mantis were the popularity leaders.

Interestingly, Mantis topped not only the popularity list, but was also the most defeated hero in competitive mode. She leads on PC and consoles, leaving behind Hela, Loki, and Magic. On consoles, Mantis' success was complemented by the consistent results of 14 other characters with win rates above 50%.

On the opposite side were the most unpopular characters. In the “quick game” they are Storm, Black Widow and Wolverine, and in the competitive mode their place is taken by Nemore.

After receiving more than 500 mods in one month, Marvel Rivals is now embroiled in a dispute. When the Nexus Mods website took down the modifications that swapped out Captain America's head for images of Donald Trump and Joe Biden, users' emotions were aroused. 

In a private Reddit conversation, Nexus Mods' owner, TheDarkOne, gave an explanation of the choice. He underlined that in order to prevent charges of bias, both moderators—Trump and Biden—were fired simultaneously. To prevent bias, we eliminated the Biden moderator on the same day as the Trump moderator. 

However, YouTube bloggers are silent about it for some reason.

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