In Expeditions, players will be able to drive on new maps, find rare resources, and encounter new dangers along the way that will test their driving and survival skills.

Among other things, players can look forward to brand-new cosmetic items, updated radio with an hour's worth of additional tracks, and various dialogues that expand the game's lore.

But perhaps most importantly, the upcoming update will finally allow players to end a run at any moment to exit the game and return later without losing progress. This has been an issue since the game's very release, as even relatively short sessions could last 1-2 hours. To avoid losing all progress and collected resources, players either had to complete the mission and return to the garage or leave the game running to come back to it later.

Pacific Drive is a unique vehicular survival game with elements of mystery, where players must explore a dangerous anomalous zone behind the wheel of an old station wagon. The car will need constant repairs and upgrades using parts found in locations. The game is set in an alternate 1990s on the Olympic Peninsula, which became the epicenter of strange phenomena following secret government experiments.

The update will be released on April 3, 2025. 

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