While Apex Legends has slightly slowed down recently, the battle royale still maintains a loyal player base. In the current season, players have been complaining about the overpowered nature of the Mozambique shotgun. For a long time, this weapon was the subject of jokes and ridicule until Respawn introduced the ability to dual-wield it. As a result, the Mozambique suddenly became a powerful close-range weapon thanks to the Akimbo attachment.

Respawn recently addressed the issue and nerfed the weapon that had enjoyed its brief moment of glory. The shotgun now has a reduced magazine capacity (allowing for only five shots before reloading instead of six) and increased pellet spread. These changes were generally well-received by the player base.

In addition, Apex Legends developers recently provided an update on the probability of valuable loot dropping from Apex Packs. This came after pressure from the South Korean government, which required transparency. The update revealed some of the developers' cleverness in wording. Previously, they stated that the chance of receiving the rarest item, Heirloom, was "less than 1%." Now, they've disclosed the actual probability — 0.045%.

While technically accurate, players may have been misled by the vague phrasing. After all, the difference between 1% and 0.045% is significant, being over 22 times lower. This means that Heirloom items drop only once in 2,222 cases. Fortunately, there is a guarantee of receiving the item after opening 500 packs.

Main image: steampowered.com