This month, recent reviews of Tekken 8 on Steam unexpectedly turned negative due to a controversy surrounding the inclusion of playable Heihachi Mishima in the Ultimate Edition, while the new arena that came with him had to be purchased separately by all players. The developers noticed the community's reaction and issued an apology.

The creators of the fighting game admitted that they failed to meet players' expectations for the first year's season pass content and the distribution method of the Genmaji Temple arena, which required a separate purchase. However, they now aim to make amends.

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To compensate, season pass holders will receive the new arena for free, which will be released this winter along with an unannounced character. Additionally, all players who log into Tekken 8 between October 29 and November 26 will receive 500 Tekken Points for in-game purchases. The developers also pledged to continue improving the game and listening to fan feedback.

As for the game's user rating on Steam, the recent wave of negative reviews was marked as off-topic and excluded from the overall rating. However, these reviews can still be viewed by changing the store's filter settings.

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