NetherRealm Studios continue to warm up the interest in Mortal Kombat 1. The game is set to release on September 19th, yet the developers have once again delighted fans with a fascinating trailer. As it turns out, this is not a simple video, but an announcement of the characters' return to the series. Fans were shown Reptile, Ashrah, Havik, and the cameo character Sareena.

Judging by what we've seen, the gameplay for these characters has been carefully carried over from previous games in the series and slightly embellished. For instance, Reptile can still turn invisible, spit acid, and assume his true form right in the midst of a battle. However, it's noticeable that his reptilian appearance has become more akin to an alligator. During combat, Reptile bites the opponent and constricts them, much like an alligator.

We also witnessed the madness of Havik, who is still engaged in self-flagellation. During battle, he performs disturbing acts with his own body. In the trailer, we saw him tear off his own hand and use it to strike another fighter. The level of brutality in MK1 might surpass all previous entries.

It's notable that all the showcased characters are outcasts. Reptile was cast out for his ability to assume a human form, demoness Ashrah has almost cleansed herself of evil and angered her sisters, while Havik is simply a psycho and a rebel.

What do you think of the new trailer? Share your impressions in the comments.

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