Reddit and OpenAI have announced a partnership, the financial details of which remain undisclosed. Under the agreement, OpenAI gains access to Reddit's API, allowing it to leverage the social network's content for improving its chatbot and developing new AI-powered products. Access to the vast text repository available on Reddit will empower OpenAI to significantly enhance its models and create new products capable of more accurately understanding and generating human-like language.
Reddit authors and moderators will also receive new AI-powered features, although the companies have not yet specified the nature of these features. OpenAI will also become an advertising partner of Reddit.
Notably, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is a Reddit shareholder, though he was not directly involved in the deal. According to the Financial Times, Altman held approximately 10% of the company's shares prior to Reddit's IPO in March 2024.
This marks Reddit's second major agreement involving the use of its platform data for AI training. In February 2024, Reuters reported a $60 million annual contract between Reddit and Google. The duration of this contract remains undisclosed.
Main image: Ensigame