Alan Wake 2, a psychological survival horror game that picks up where its 2010 predecessor left off, was first released in October 2023. Building on the spooky storyline of the original game, the sequel follows Alan Wake and Saga Anderson, the two main protagonists, as they battle supernatural forces. Both reviewers and gamers praised Alan Wake 2's eerie atmosphere and sinister plot, which helped it win multiple Game of the Year awards and become Remedy Entertainment's fastest-selling game.
More than a year after its original release, Alan Wake 2 is still getting frequent updates to enhance the gameplay on all platforms. It brings various improvements. Most significantly, it adds a new graphics mode called "Balanced" that combines PS5 Pro Quality mode with Performance mode to optimize the game for the PS5 Pro. Consistent framerate and a less noisy image for Alan Wake 2 made minor adjustments to the visual settings.
This update fixes a few minor issues that affect gameplay, particularly in the Lake House expansion, in addition to the improvements made to the PS5 Pro.
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