Blizzard has released a short animated film dedicated to Alleria Windrunner. In the video, the World of Warcraft creators depict the heroine's journey from the forests of Quel'Thalas to the far reaches of the Twisting Nether.

Fans of World of Warcraft have highly praised the short film. According to comments on social media and YouTube, many are calling for Blizzard to create an entire series in this style. As one player noted, these kinds of videos are exactly what they associate with the Warcraft universe.

Blizzard released the short film ahead of the upcoming release of the major expansion The War Within for World of Warcraft, which is set to launch on August 27, 2024.

In the story of The War Within, the Harbinger of the Void has gathered an army of arachnids in the impenetrable depths of the Nerubian Empire and plans to conquer Azeroth. Players will embark on a journey through unexplored subterranean worlds to punish the servants of darkness.

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