Based on the beloved novel of the same name, developer Microids has unveiled their upcoming game. Players can now get a sneak peek at the intriguing plot and captivating gameplay of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile, which is based on the detective writer's popular stories Murder on the Orient Express and Hercule Poirot: The London Case. Microids has already released games based on these detective novels.
Agatha Christie, a British author and one of the most renowned novelists of the 20th century, is known for series featuring the fictional characters Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Her tales have served as the basis for several TV and movie adaptations, such as Rian Johnson's Knives Out. Microids drew inspiration from Christie.
In response to the popularity of its Murder on the Orient Express game adaptation, Microids has unveiled an early teaser trailer for Agatha Christie: Death on the Nile. Hercule Poirot and Jane Royce will be the dual protagonists of the game, which will center on a plot that goes beyond Christie's book's conclusion. While exploring several cities in a distinctive 1970s setting, players will take control of both detectives. They must gather evidence in order to confront suspects and discover the truth behind an odd murder. With its user-friendly Mindmap mechanic and confrontation system, this detective mystery video game will challenge players' cognitive abilities.
Next year, Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile will be available on the Xbox Series X|S, PC, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.
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