Fallout 76 broke its record for peak concurrent players on Steam on April 21, 2024, it had 73 368 simultaneous players. The previous best was 64 000 gamers, set just a day before. Interest in the game had been gradually rising since April 11, when the Fallout series premiered, drawing attention to the franchise. Additionally, until April 18, the game was temporarily free-to-play, which positively impacted the popularity of the multiplayer RPG.

Steam Fallout 76Image: steamdb.infoFallout: New Vegas's online player count increased sevenfold despite the game being 14 years old, it couldn't surpass its 2010 record. Before the series premiere, the game had around 5 000–6 000 concurrent players on Steam.

Fallout New Vegas SteamImage: steamdb.infoFallout 2 and Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition also managed to set new peak online player records, but their numbers weren't as impressive. On April 21, they had 2 100 and 11 400 simultaneous players, respectively. Until April 19, all games in the series were on sale with discounts.

The Fallout series premiered on April 11, 2024, on the Amazon Prime Video streaming service and received high praise from critics and viewers. After the series premiere, Fallout 76's online player count reached 64 000 double its previous peak, and sales of Fallout 4 increased 75-fold.

 Main image: Ensigame