Elliott Page (formerly known as Ellen Page) and his company, Pageboy Productions, have acquired the rights to create a series based on Beyond: Two Souls. In the original game, he portrayed Jodie Holmes, the protagonist with extraordinary abilities. The project is still in the early stages, so it's too early to think of a release date.

What’s important here? First, we don’t have to worry about the project being ruined by outsiders who don’t understand the game’s essence. After all, there aren’t many people who understand the nuances of the lore better than the lead actor. If Keanu Reeves were to make a series based on Cyberpunk 2077, we’d probably have the same level of trust in him.

Second, the trend of TV adaptations of popular games continues, and that’s exciting. Sure, not all shows and films are made well, but there’s always increased interest in the original source material. Plus, Quantic Dream has always blurred the lines between video games and cinema, but in the reverse direction. It feels like the risk of failure here is lower. However, it's still too early to say what will become of the project—so much can change in the near future.

Main image: steampowered.com