Imagine you win the tournament but don't get the trophy. Instead, two years later, you find it in the hands of a fan who demands a ransom. Sounds like a terrible story. That's what happened to Apex Legends player Hernandes "Besk9" Mateus.

One of the Apex Legends fans bought the trophy for winning the ALGS: 2022 Split 1 Playoffs — South America at a customs confiscation auction. This was shared by Besk9, who won the tournament as part of Team Singularity.

Besk9 found out about this because the buyer, nicknamed Mrvn__444, contacted him on social media. It turned out that the Brazilian customs had some issues with this trophy. It is unknown if they need a fee to be paid or if additional information must be submitted. Electronic Arts was supposed to solve the problem but failed to do so. The cup went to the auction, and now the buyer states that he will not return it to Besk9 without compensation.

According to Mrvn__444, the trophy is adorned with 24-karat gold, so its price would be significant. Meanwhile, the winner of a similar tournament in the Middle East stated that he has the same trophy and that it contains no valuable materials.

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