Starting in 2025, new Valve rules require organizers to invite teams based on their position in the CS2 developer's ranking. This has led to a history: one of the participants in the S-tier Counter-Strike 2 tournament will be a female roster.

This will happen at Bounty Spring 2025, and one of the thirty-two teams competing will be Imperial Esports Female. In theory, the female roster from FURIA could have joined, but due to the restriction of one participant per organization, they had to skip the tournament.

However, Imperial Fe qualified because, in the Valve ranking, the team is placed higher than the main roster! This is largely due to the fact that the ranking takes into account prize money earned, and Imperial Fe has won two seasons of ESL Impact League.

The tournament will take place from January 23 to 26 in Copenhagen, and it will essentially kick off the 2025 season.

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