While many fans believed Patch 7 would be the last major update for Baldur's Gate 3 Larian Studios has confirmed another substantial update set for release in 2025. Alongside crossplay support and a photo mode, the update introduces 12 new subclasses, each bringing unique mechanics to the game.
Details about four of these subclasses have already been shared, and now we’re diving into the remaining ones:
- Oath of the Crown Paladin;
- Arcane Archer;
- Drunken Master Monk;
- Swarmkeeper Ranger.
The Oath of the Crown Paladin upholds justice and order, placing the welfare of society at the forefront. This subclass wields the Divine Devotion ability, which absorbs incoming damage to allies and restores their health in the process.
The Arcane Archer combines martial prowess with arcane magic. Their enchanted arrows can blind, weaken, or exile enemies to the Feywild until the next turn. Additionally, if an arrow misses its intended target, the Arcane Archer can adjust its flight path to strike another enemy.
The Drunken Master Monk incorporates alcohol into their fighting techniques. A signature move intoxicates foes, leaving them disoriented while boosting the monk’s own abilities. Using Instant Sobriety on an intoxicated target deals both physical and mental damage.
The Swarmkeeper Ranger harnesses the power of nature by forming alliances with swarms of creatures. These swarms shield the ranger from harm and assist with teleportation. In combat, they can deploy three types of swarms: electric jellyfish clusters, blinding moth clouds, and stinging bee legions that knock back enemies who fail a strength check by 4.5 meters.
Main image: baldursgate.fandom.com