Renowned insider Dusk Golem claims that the new game will undergo significant changes, similar to those seen in the original Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 7. Fans can expect not only an updated gameplay style but also large-scale changes in mechanics and atmosphere.
Some sources suggest that the game could be announced as early as this year, despite the prolonged silence from Capcom. This is supported by recent statements from Dusk Golem, who asserts that the long wait is due to the extensive changes, which, according to him, will pleasantly surprise players.
However, it’s worth noting that Dusk Golem’s reputation in recent years has raised skepticism among parts of the fan community. Over time, he has repeatedly shared insider information that ultimately went unconfirmed. At this point, it’s difficult to find even one instance where his claims were entirely accurate and verified. In some cases, he presented confirmed information as his own, which significantly undermined trust in him among series fans. While his sources may be more reliable for other games, his statements regarding Resident Evil have recently raised increasing doubts.
All that remains is to wait and see what the gaming community will actually get in Resident Evil 9.
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