Developers released the Battle Pass roadmap for the sixth season of the shooter. The first impressions of players about this were positive. Some fans of the game have already shifted their attention to CoD: MW3, as the project will be released very soon. However, they haven't forgotten about Modern Warfare 2, which brings players back for the final phase in Season 6, timed for Halloween.
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Following the success of The Haunting of Verdansk three years ago, Warzone decided to make it a tradition. And MW2 hardly has any clear differences: after the battle, you can see a crowd of zombies, as well as operatives with new skins.
And now, the hype in the sixth season has set a real record. Modern Warfare 2 developers presented skins of new operatives, blueprints, and weapons that will be in the update.
Of course, the main star of the new season will be Spawn. As soon as users purchase the Battle Pass, they will immediately have access to this character's skin. Players also noted the TR-76 Gest AR, ISO 90mm submachine gun, twin kamas, 3 new weapon blueprints, 3 new vehicle skins, and 8 new operator skins.
But despite all this, some gamers still leave MW2 and move on to MW3, leaving comments like:
Of course, now that I’m entirely burnt out of MW2, they release a fire battle pass.
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