For quite some time, the gaming world was in a strange situation: everyone knew that Valve has been developing Deadlock, tens of thousands players were participating in the testing, but there wasn't any official confirmation. Well, now the silence is over. Valve created a Steam page for their new game.

Valve officially announces Deadlock allows streamingImage:
Valve mentioned that the game is still in an early development phase. Developers are experimenting with gameplay, and the artwork there is not final and may and highly likely will be replaced or upgraded. 

How to get access to Deadlock?

Currently, the game stays in the invite-only mode. However, it looks like getting invited is a relatively easy task as more and more people get access and can invite other players. It is no longer a special club with a couple of hundred players.

Can I stream Deadlock?

Another good news, besides acknowledging the existence of Deadlock, is that Valve now allows to talk about the game as well as stream the gameplay and create content without the risk of receiving DMCA strikes. So prepare for tons of new content about the game.

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