Shortly after announcing the premiere date for the anime adaptation of Devil May Cry, Netflix released the series' opening trailer. Set to the backdrop of the legendary Rollin' track by nu-metal band Limp Bizkit, viewers were shown dynamic scenes with young Dante, Lady, and White Rabbit, filled with references to the series' games.  

In addition, showrunner Adi Shankar shared his vision for the future of the anime. The events of the series take place in the late 90s - early 2000s, and, in his opinion, the soundtrack reflects the spirit of that time in the best possible way. In addition to Limp Bizkit, other tracks from that era are expected to be featured in the series, as well as a reworked soundtrack from games by synthwave duo Power Glove.  

He also added that future seasons will differ in visual style and soundtrack to emphasize how diverse the games in the series are. Thus, Shankar indirectly confirmed that the anime series will not be limited to a single season.  

Plot details are yet to be revealed. The first season is expected to be based on the manga Code 1: Dante (Devil May Cry 3), in which a young demon hunter investigates the disappearance of a child. This will force him to confront the past, family and legacy of his demon father Sparda.  

The first season will consist of 8 episodes and is set to premiere on April 3, 2025. 

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