Riot Games previewed a detailed list of changes for League of Legends update 14.16. As usual, one of the game designers, David "Phreak" Turley, presented the upcoming changes to the game balance on X.

The update aims to address issues in ranked matches and the pro scene. The developers of the MOBA will continue adjusting the strength of ADC. They also want to make solo kills on the top lane more difficult by reworking the respawn timers.

In terms of champion balance, only Corki received a significant nerf due to his dominance in high-level matchmaking. Several champions received buffs (Azir, Orianna, Syndra, Vi), but it's doubtful that these changes will drastically affect the meta.

Changes to Doran's Shield and Liandry's Torment were not included in the extended patch notes. It is unknown why the developers decided against item adjustments.

Patch 14.16 will be released on the night of August 14, 2024. The final version of the changelog will be presented on the official website a few hours before the release.

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